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Text Facedown cards are typically considered to be hidden information. In the original rulebook, Purge placed cards facedown and out of play. FFG changed this in Rulebook 1.3 to make them faceup, which seems to indicate that facedown cards (with the exception of the Archives) are not viewable by either player.
Type ArchivedCommentary
Pages •Jargogle•Masterplan•


Text Can you fight/reap with the Flerp to move the Commentary from one copy of the Flerp to another? Can you fight/reap to attach an opponent's Commentary to a friendly Flerp?

Crucible Cast 17 has clarified how Commentary's self-referential text works. The self-referential text rule applies to the constant ability of Commentary, but NOT to the creature's ability. So you can fight/reap a Flerp to move its attached Commentary to another copy of Flerp, but you cannot attach a different Commentary than the one on the creature you are using. }}

Type Commentary
Option1 saluktest


Text Upgrades enter play under the control of the player who played the upgrade. For this card, this means that it doesn't matter if it is attached to a Friendly or Enemy creature, the "You/Your" in the constant ability text refers to the person who played the card, regardless of which player controls the creature to which the upgrade is attached.
Type Commentary
Source Upgrades
Pages •Quadracorder•Academy Training•Disruption Field•


Text If this card deals the damage to itself and it destroys this card, then the condition for the Reap: ability is satisfied.
Type Commentary
Source Mack the Knife
Pages •A. Vinda•J. Vinda•


Text Anger allows you to ready and fight with Bumpsy, the reason that Bumpsy is allowed to reap because it is a ready creature of the Active house. If Anger was played to ready and fight using a non-Brobnar creature, that creature would NOT be able to reap.
Type Commentary
Pages •Anger•


Text While Auto-Legionary is in the battleline, it is considered a Creature, not an Artifact. Any cards that would interact with an artifact can not interact with it.
Type Commentary
Pages •Auto-Legionary•


Text When Banish's Play: ability is resolved, the rules for Leaves Play dictate that the targeted card will go into its owner's archives, regardless if the owner is the opponent or not.
Type Commentary
Pages •Banish•


Text Each time Bouncing Deathquark's ability is repeated, two creatures (one enemy and one friendly) are destroyed simultaneously. For example, if the effect is repeated 4 times (destroying four enemy and four friendly creatures), it is resolved as 4 sequential pairs of simultaneous destruction.

When played, resolve as much of the first sentence of Bouncing Deathquark's ability as possible, only repeating the effect if both a friendly and an enemy creature can be destroyed. For example, if there are 2 enemy creatures and 1 friendly creature on the board, 1 enemy creature and 1 friendly creature will be destroyed, but the effect can't be repeated. If there are no friendly creatures in play, 1 enemy creature will be destroyed, but then with no friendly creatures in play, the effect cannot be repeated.

Type Commentary
Pages •Bouncing Deathquark•


Text If Buzzle uses its ability to purge a neighbor, but that neighbor is warded, the neighbor is not successfully purged and Buzzle will not ready.
Type Commentary
Pages •Buzzle•


Text Quixxle Stone creates a play restriction that does not allow creatures to be played. According to the Shadow of Dis FAQ, card abilities can modify how the card itself enters play (Silvertooth's ability, for example, modifies how it enters play). Therefore, a creature with an ability that is a replacement effect that allows it to enter play as a different card type (such as Explo-rover or CALV-1N, which can be played as upgrades) can be played as that card type, even while Quixxle Stone is in play.
Type Commentary
Pages •Quixxle Stone•Explo-rover•CALV-1N•


Text Captain Val Jericho's ability allows you to play one card per turn that is not of the active house if it is in the Center of your battleline. The wording here allows for Captain Val Jericho's ability to activate at any point during its controller's turn, but limits the number of off house cards played to one. If Captain Val Jericho is in the center and its constant ability is used to play a card off house, then another card is added to the battleline moving Captain Val Jericho from the center and yet it returns to the center later in the turn, its ability can not be resolved again.

However, if Captain Val Jericho leaves play and then returns to play in the same turn, it is considered to be a new object, and the ability can be resolved again if the card is in the center of the battleline.

Type Commentary
Pages •Captain Val Jericho•


Text If Cincinnatus Rex is warded and there are no creatures in the opponent's battleline, its Constant ability resolves, tries to destroy Cinncinnatus Rex, removes its Ward, then destroys Cinncinnatus Rex.

If Cincinnatus Rex destroys the last creature in the opponent's battleline in a fight, Cincinnatus Rex's constant ability will resolve and destroy Cincinnatus Rex before its Fight: ability can resolve.

Type Commentary
Pages •Cincinnatus Rex•


Text The rules for House Choice state that if a player is presented with two or more "must choose" mandates (e.g. the opponent has played two copies of Control the Weak and declared two different houses), the player may choose either of those options.
Type Commentary
Pages •Control the Weak•


Text this card's ability specifically uses the word Pay, and therefore Æmber used to satisfy this card's cost is not considered to be lost to a steal effect.
Type Commentary
Date 1
Pages •Tentacus•Customs Office•


Text Per the rules for Destroyed, the three cards destroyed by Destroy Them All! are tagged for destruction simultaneously, then the active player chooses the order in which to resolve the “Destroyed:” abilities of any of those cards, and also chooses the order in which those cards are placed in their owner’s discard piles (leaving play simultaneously).
Type Commentary
Pages •Destroy Them All!•


Text In a follow up email with FFG, it was determined that the card's effect could be rephrased as: "For each friendly Mars creature you control, choose a non-Mars creature with lower power (You must choose a different creature each time). Destroy chosen creatures."

FFG also clarified that you can resolve these choices in a way to favor your battleline. For example, in your battleline, you have two Mars creatures, one a Power 5 and one a Power 3, as well as power 4 non-Mars creature. Your opponent has a single non-Mars Power 2 creature. If you play Exterminate! Exterminate!, your Power 5 creature would select to destroy the opponent's Power 2 creature, leaving your Power 3 Mars creature with no valid target, thereby saving your Power 4 creature.

A further clarification states "The "for each" in this case determines the magnitude of the effect, so the number of Mars creatures you have is the maximum number of creatures that can potentially be chosen for destruction. While the "for each" rules here would allow you to choose the same creature for destruction multiple time, the "Destroyed" rules prevent this, because a creature that has already been chosen for destruction cannot be chosen again."

Type ArchivedCommentary
Source Screenshot 2019-10-15 at 07.44.46.png•ExterminateExterminate2.png
Pages •Exterminate! Exterminate!•


Text If there are multiple creatures that qualify as the most powerful, each is considered “most powerful”. If an ability requires the selection of a single most powerful creature, and multiple creatures are tied, the Active player chooses among the tied creatures.
Type Commentary
Source Most Powerful
Pages •Baldric the Bold•Champion's Challenge•Curia Saurus•Fangs of Gizelhart•Forum of Giants•Quicksand•Savage Clash•Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus•Soulkeeper•Three Fates•Tribute•


Text All creatures are destroyed by a card’s effect simultaneously (like with Gateway to Dis) unless specified by a card’s effect.
Type Commentary
Pages •Gateway to Dis•


Text When this card's ability “puts” a creature “into play,” the creature enters play exhausted, and Play: abilities and Bonus icons on the card do not resolve.
Type Commentary
Pages •Gebuk•Overlord Greking•Purify•Spangler Box•Swap Widget•


Text After choosing a creature they control, the active player destroys each creature of the house, regardless if they are friendly creatures or enemy creatures.
Type Commentary
Pages •General Order 24•


Text The "Purge a card from your hand" effect must happen after the ready cards step, it is not optional. However, if there are no cards in hand, a card cannot be purged. If no card is purged, Greater Oxtet does not receive two +1 power counters.
Type Commentary
Pages •Greater Oxtet•


Text If Hyde and Velum are destroyed simulataneously, both cards enter the discard pile at the same time, so neither Destroyed: ability resolves.
Type Commentary
Pages •Hyde•Velum•


Text Interdimensional Graft specifically states that the opponent must give the remaining Æmber, therefore it is not considered to be a steal effect.
Type Commentary
Pages •Interdimensional Graft•


Text While Kangaphant is in play, each creature (including Kangaphant itself!) gains an additional Reap: ability.

When a creature reaps, all reap abilities the creature has must resolve, but they all resolve within the same window of the Timing Chart, after the Active player has gained 1 Æmber. Since multiple abilities can be resolved, the Active player chooses the order in which they resolve. As the abilities are resolving, if an object that grants an ability Leaves Play, it will no longer grant the ability. (Abilities are only active as long as they are in play.)

Type Commentary
Pages •Kangaphant•


Text Livia the Elder's ability:
  • Does not make a Before Fight: ability (such as Terrordactyl's ability) become a reap abilty.
  • Does make a Play/Fight: ability (such as Thero Centurion's ability) become a Play/Fight/Reap: ability
  • Fight: abilities that reference the attacked creature (such as Snag's ability) can't be resolved as Reap: abilities because there is no fight. The reap produces Æmber as normal.
  • Does not create an additional instance of an already present Reap: ability. For example, Senator Bracchus' Fight/Reap: ability does not become a Fight/Reap/Fight/Reap: ability.
  • Other abilities that provide additional Reap: abilities to a creature (such as Song of the Wild's ability) add additional Reap: abilities that will resolve in addition to the Reap: abilities provided by Livia.
  • Kompsos Haruspex and Livia the Elder abilities can combine to grant Play/Fight/Reap: abilities.
Type Commentary
Source Crucible Cast 19
Pages •Livia the Elder•


Text Magda the Rat's Play: ability resolves and creates a Lasting Effect. The controller of Magda steals 2 Æmber, and then whenever and however Magda leaves play, the opponent would steal 2 Æmber.

If Magda is put into play instead of played, the play ability doesn't resolve, no Æmber will be stolen, no lasting effect is created, and no Æmber will then be stolen when Magda leaves play.

Further, if Magda the Rat is played under a Shadow of Dis, the Play effect doesn't resolve, so the leaves play effect will also not resolve.

Type Commentary
Source Magda email question.png•Magda email response.png•Screenshot 2019-10-25 at 08.45.32.png
Pages •Magda the Rat•


Text At the 2019 Richmond Vault Tour, it was ruled that when Master the Theory is played and there are no friendly creatures in play, the Active Player may archive any number of cards up to the number of enemy creatures in play.
Type Commentary
Source Keyforge Vault Tour: Richmond - Round 4
Pages •Master the Theory•


Text If a card is not successfully purged, due to an effect such as Ward for example, then the controller of the card does not receive an Æmber, as the card was not purged "this way".
Type Commentary
Source Dysania
Pages •Harvest Time•


Text Some printed cards were printed with the Reap: ability "Reap: Enrage Shorty." FFG has not issued an official Errata to Mega Shorty, but it is believed the text listed in this article is correct.
Type Commentary
Pages •Mega Shorty•


Text Much of how Mimic Gel interacts can be extrapolated from FFG's clarifications of Mimicry:
  • For the purposes of the Rule of Six, you are considered to have played the card the Mimic Gel has copied.
  • If you copy Com. Officer Kirby, then attaching Kirby’s Blaster to the Mimic Gel of Kirby would resolve the Blaster's attach ability.
  • If you copy an Omega card, you would play the card, resolve any pending abilities or effects, and then proceed to the next game step.
Type Commentary
Source Mimicry
Pages •Mimic Gel•


Text Neffru works in the same manner as Tolas, which FFG has clarified via official FAQ entries. If a card like Gateway to Dis destroys multiple creatures and Neffru is one of those creatures, all creatures are tagged for destruction, then Destroyed: abilities are resolved in the order of the active player's choosing, and finally all cards are placed into the discard pile simultaneously (with the active player determining their order in the discard pile). Neffru's ability does not resolve until after destroyed cards are put into discard piles. In this example, Neffru is entering the discard pile simultaneously with everything else, so its ability does not resolve.
Type Commentary
Source Tolas
Pages •Neffru•


Text When Neutron Shark destroys itself after destroying an enemy creature, the Neutron Shark's effect still resolves fully, which includes the discarding of the top card of the deck.
Type Commentary
Pages •Neutron Shark•


Text If Neutron Shark is played and a player's deck is empty, the effect cannot repeat.
Type Commentary
Source Crucible Cast 4
Pages •Neutron Shark•


Text Each time Neutron Shark's ability is resolved, two creatures are destroyed simultaneously. If eight creatures are destroyed in total, the result is four sequential pairs of simultaneous destruction.
Type Commentary
Source Destroyed
Pages •Neutron Shark•


Text Obsidian Forge specifically looks at whether a creature was successfully sacrificed to reduce the key cost. If a card was prevented from being sacrificed or leaving play by an effect like Ward, the creature's ward token will be removed, but it will not reduce the cost to forge.
Type Commentary
Pages •Obsidian Forge•


Text When One Stood Against Many is played and there are no creatures in the opponent's battleline, the affected card is readied, but it will not fight, and the ability of One Stood against Many is considered resolved. If the creature readied by One Stood Against Many is of the Active house, it may then be used to resolve an Action:, Omni:, or Reap: ability.
Type Commentary
Pages •One Stood Against Many•


Text All of the damage done by Orbital Bombardment would be done simultaneously.
Type Commentary
Source Damage
Pages •Orbital Bombardment•


Text If you exalt a friendly creature to repeat the effect, it includes the text that allows you to choose a creature. Much like Bait and Switch, you can only repeat the preceding effect once.
Type Commentary
Source Preceding
Pages •Tribute•Phalanx Strike•


Text As long as Praefectus Ludo is in play, each other friendly creature gains the ability "Destroyed: Move each Æmber on this creature to the common supply.” In a case where multiple creatures are destroyed simultaneously, including Praefectus Ludo, all the affected creatures would be tagged for destruction, then Destroyed: abilities would resolve, moving Æmber from the creatures to the common supply, and then once all Destroyed: abilities have finished resolving, all creatures would be placed into the discard pile simultaneously, in the order of the Active player's choosing.
Type Commentary
Source Destroyed
Pages •Praefectus Ludo•


Text If a creature with the Poison keyword attacked a neighbor of Shadow Self, then Shadow Self would be destroyed by the Poison effect because any damage dealt via the power of a creature with the poison keyword during a fight destroys the damaged creature.
Type Commentary
Source Crucible Cast 4•Shadowselfpoison.png
Pages •Shadow Self•


Text When you play Song of Spring you may choose any number of creatures from your hand, any number of creatures from your discard pile, and any number of creatures from play to shuffle back into your deck.
Type Commentary
Pages •Song of Spring•


Text Song of the Wild creates a lasting effect for the remainder of the turn that applies to all cards in play during the specified period, regardless of whether they were in play at the time the lasting effect was established.
Type Commentary
Pages •Song of the Wild•


Text If Ganger Chieftain (a Giant) is played adjacent to Stilt-Kin, both the Constant ability of Stilt-Kin and the Play ability of Ganger Chieftain must resolve. The ordering of the resolution of these abilities is determined by the Active player.
Type Commentary
Pages •Ganger Chieftain•Stilt-Kin•Mega Ganger Chieftain•


Text Though this card shows "Alien" as its trait in the Master Vault, the printed card may say "Elf" or "Alien". It seems this is dependent on the print run of the card. Until FFG issues an official errata, it is recommended that the trait be treated as printed on the card.
Type ArchivedCommentary
Pages •Symon•


Text Per the rules for Control, "If an ability refers to cards that a player “has” in play, it is referring to cards that player controls." Upgrades are controlled by the player who played them.
Type Commentary
Pages •Take that, Smartypants•


Text Multiple copies of Tentacus require your opponent to pay one Æmber for each copy of Tentacus in your battleline before an artifact can be used. If they are unable to pay the full requirement, they pay nothing.
Type Commentary
Date 2
Source Tentacus.jpg
Pages •Tentacus•


Text The Active player determines which creatures will be destroyed by Tertiate.
Type Commentary
Pages •Tertiate•


Text If this card's ability fails to return a creature to hand due to an ability prohibiting it from leaving play (for example, the targeted creature is warded), the upgrades attached to the creature will still return to their owner's hand.
Type Commentary
Pages •Transporter Platform•Unity or Discord•


Text When exalting to repeat the preceding effect of Tribute's ability, if there is a tie for most powerful creature, the active player may choose which creature among the tied creatures will capture 2 Æmber.
Type Commentary
Source Preceding
Pages •Tribute•


Text Uncharted Lands does not specify friendly or enemy creatures. Star Alliance creatures in either player's battleline can reap to resolve the Reap: ability and gain an Æmber from Uncharted Lands.
Type Commentary
Pages •Uncharted Lands•


Text When resolving Unnatural Selection's Play: ability, choose 3 friendly creatures and 3 enemy creatures, then Destroy the non-chosen creatures.
Type Commentary
Pages •Unnatural Selection•


Text If a creature with the Assault keyword attacks a creature who has the Hazardous keyword, the active player chooses which keyword resolves first. If the creature is destroyed by the Hazardous effect before the active player resolves the Assault keyword, the Assault is not applied. Similarly, if the creature is destroyed by the Assault keyword before the active player resolves Hazardous, the Hazardous is not applied. This is because the rules for Ability disallow either ability resolving on a card that is not in play.
Type Commentary
Pages •Assault (X)•Hazardous (X)•


Text Following the rule that abilities can only resolve while they are in play, Brad Andres clarified that when a Dust Imp (upgraded with a Biomatrix Backup) is destroyed, it could resolve in two ways, with the order being chosen by the active player. If the Dust Imp's Destroyed: ability is resolved first, its controller would gain 2 Æmber, and then the card would be moved to the owner's archive. If the Destroyed: ability of Biomatrix Backup is resolved first, then the Dust Imp is placed in its owner's archive, from which Dust Imp's Destroyed: ability cannot resolve, as it it no longer in play.
Type Commentary
Source DustImpBiomatrixBackup.jpg
Pages •Destroyed•Dust Imp•Biomatrix Backup••


Text FFG has clarified that nothing goes to the discard pile until all the Destroyed: abilities are done resolving. Destroyed: abilities are unusual in that they can actually interrupt each other and cause this kind of effect nesting. Creatures can be tagged for destruction by something like Soulkeeper and then other effects will interrupt before they actually hit the discard pile. The key is that everything tagged for destruction from these kinds of chain reactions will go to the discard pile simultaneously, and therefore in the order of the active player's choosing.

The cards are not considered to be "destroyed" until the cards are placed in the discard pile; a Tolas that has been upgraded with a Soulkeeper that is being destroyed won't ever earn an Æmber because Tolas and any creature Soulkeeper destroys will both be destroyed at the same time.

Type Commentary
Source Image0.jpg•Image1.jpg•Image2.jpg
Pages •Destroyed•Soulkeeper•Tolas•


Text If a card with a Destroyed: ability is directly purged, that Destroyed: ability will not resolve. For example, Oubliette is one of the few ways to cause a Bad Penny to leave play without it returning to its owner's hand.
Type Commentary
Source Crucible Cast #2
Pages •Oubliette•Bad Penny•Purge•


Text Taunt should only prevent choosing the creature that is protected by taunt. If you choose a creature which results in the battleline changing such that the chosen creature is now protected by taunt, it will still be available to continue the fight.
Type Commentary
Source Reddit Thread
Pages •Taunt•


Text The Timing Chart clarifies that Ward's effect happens after effects that prevent damage are applied, but before Armor is used to prevent damage.
Type Commentary
Pages •Ward•


Text Once attached, the blaster's ability refers only to this blaster and not any other copies of the card - using the creature with the attached blaster does not allow its controller to move a different blaster. If the card is attached to the blaster's owner (For example Chan’s Blaster is attached to Commander Chan), the creature referenced is only the creature the blaster is attached to and not other copies of it - The creature with the attached blaster can not be used to move the blaster to a different copy. This was changed in the self-referential rules of Rulebook 1.6 from a previous ruling in Crucible Cast 17. "Blaster bouncing" was also confirmed not to work in an email from FFG.
Type ArchivedCommentary
Source Self-referential text•Blaster_Clarification_23-November-2020png.png
Pages •Chan’s Blaster•Frane’s Blaster•Garcia’s Blaster•Ingram’s Blaster•Khrkhar’s Blaster•Kirby’s Blaster•Molina’s Blaster•Qincan’s Blaster•Walls’ Blaster•


Text If there are multiple creatures that qualify as the least powerful, each is considered “least powerful”. If an ability requires the selection of a single least powerful creature, and multiple creatures are tied, the Active player chooses among the tied creatures.
Type Commentary
Source Least Powerful
Pages •Cull the Weak•Fangtooth Cavern•Horseman of Famine•Savage Clash•


Text The ability text for this card is worded the same way as Sack of Coins, clarifying that "For each" here means that the effect can be applied to multiple creatures.
Type Commentary
Source Sack of Coins
Pages •Xenotraining•Zap•


Text Some abilities in KeyForge grant creatures additional power; that power gain is contingent on the creature providing the ability remaining in play. For example, if Panpaca, Anga is in a player's battleline, as long as Panpaca, Anga is in play, creatures to the right of Panpaca, Anga get +2 power. If Panpaca, Anga leaves play, those creatures return to their normal printed power (providing there are no other upgrades on them). Other abilities give +1 Power Counters that will increase the creature's power as long as the power token is present on the creature. For example, the ability of Grovekeeper gives each of its neighbors a +1 Power counter at the end of Grovekeeper's controller's turn. If Grovekeeper leaves play, the power counter that was granted remains. For this reason, it is not recommended to track temporary power increases (like that of Panpaca, Anga) using power counters.
Type Commentary
Pages •Power Counter +1•


Text When an artifact with Æmber on it leaves play, the Æmber is returned to the common pool.
Type Commentary
Source Leaves Play
Pages •Safe Place•Pocket Universe•Uncharted Lands•(REDACTED)•Monument to Shrix•


Text There is only a center of a battleline if there is an odd number of creatures in that battleline. When there is an even number of creatures in a battleline, there is no center. If there is only one creature in the battleline, that creature is in the center.
Type Commentary
Source Center of the Battleline
Pages •Beware the Ides•Captain Val Jericho•Eldest Bear•Lord Invidius•Kaloch Stonefather•Mad Prophet Gizelhart•Saurus Rex•The Shadow Council•Zenzizenzizenzic•


Text If the Book of leQ's Action ability reveals a Star Alliance card or the deck is empty, the Active Player's turn ends immediately. Exhausted cards are not readied, and the Active Player does not draw cards to refill their hand.
Type Commentary
Pages •Book of leQ•


Text Dimension Door creates a replacement effect that replaces the source of Æmber for reaping with a steal from the opponent. If Dimension Door is played when an opponent has no Æmber in their pool, the active player will gain no Æmber for reaping.
Type Commentary
Source Replacement Effects
Pages •Dimension Door•


Text With the exception of draw, if an ability references the top card of the deck and the deck is empty, the discard pile is not shuffled to form a new deck.
Type Commentary
Source Crucible Cast 4
Pages •A Fair Game••Auto-Encoder••Backup Plan••Book of leQ••Bot Bookton••Cauldron••Chaos Portal••Chronicler••Consult the Bones••Crazy Killing Machine••Curse of Forgetfulness••Curse of Forgetfulness (Anomaly)••Dark Memento••Director of Z.Y.X.••Dive Deep••Erratic Portal••Evasion Sigil••Explorer••Fidgit••Future Booster••Gambling Den••Gebuk••Giltspine Mesmerist••Graphton••Harvest Skimmer••Haunted House••Hexpion••Historian Li-Darkin••Hydrocataloguer••Ihaka of the Depths••Into the Warp••J.O.N. Cargo••Jackpot Greene••LCdr. Trigon••Make It So••Memette••Minion••Mournful Barn-Burner••Murkens••Near-Future Lens••Near-Future Lens (Anomaly)••Neutron Shark••Precocious Fragment••Psionic Officer Lang••Put in a Spin••Quantum Compass••Raider of the Peaks••Random Access Archives••Ransack••Reckless Experimentation••Recruiting Station••Research Smoko••Rumor-sower••Scout Pete••Screeyan••Shakedown Sullivan••Sibyl Waimare••Skippy the Glorious••SLRS Austeralis••Steadfast Commitment••Suzerain••Theory or Conjecture••Vespilon Theorist••Webstur••Wild Wormhole••Wormhole Technician••Wrecker••Z.Y.X. Researcher••Zeff “Punch” Yardus•




Text If there is enough Æmber on this card (or other cards with this effect under the control of the active player) combined with the Æmber in the active player's Æmber pool during the "Forge a Key" step, the active player must forge a key.
Type Commentary
Source Forge
Pages •Ethereal Adaptor••Medicus Lacus••Monument to Shrix••Pocket Universe••Safe Place••Senator Bracchus••Senator Shrix••The Callipygian Ideal••Treasure Island•


Text Bloodshard Imp's ability takes place in the same window as other Reap: and "after reap" abilities. If a creature's reap ability causes Bloodshard Imp to leave play, Bloodshard Imp's ability will not resolve.
Type Commentary
Source Timing Chart
Pages •Bloodshard Imp•


Text If you are the first player, drawing 7 cards gives you the following probabilities for your hand shape:
House 1 House 2 House 3 Probability
3 2 2 34.44
4 2 1 28.18
3 3 1 20.87
4 3 0 7.83
5 1 1 4.10
5 2 0 3.76
6 1 0 .80
7 0 0 .03

After the mulligan (or if you're the second player) you have the following probabilities of hand shape:

House 1 House 2 House 3 Probability
3 2 1 53.67
2 2 2 14.76
4 1 1 10.98
4 2 0 10.06
3 3 0 7.45
5 1 0 2.93
6 0 0 .14

And if you're the second player taking a mulligan, you have the following:

House 1 House 2 House 3 Probability
2 2 1 41.60
3 1 1 25.21
3 2 0 23.11
4 1 0 9.45
5 0 0 .63

The table below represents the probability of drawing at least one copy of a card in your initial draw based on the number of copies of the specific card in your deck. For example, if I have 3 copies of Urchin in my deck, I will draw at least one copy of Urchin 48.82% of the time with a 7 card starting hand. If I mulligan hoping to get an Urchin-free hand, a copy of Urchin will still show up 43.14% of the time. Similarly, going second and hoping to use Urchin to steal an Æmber gained by the first player, if Urchin didn't show up in my initial 6 card hand, there is a 37.04% chance it will show up after the mulligan.

Copies of a Card in your deck
Starting Hand Size 1 2 3 4
7 19.44 35.56 48.82 59.68
6 16.67 30.95 43.14 53.48
5 13.89 26.19 37.04 46.58%

The question often comes up "How likely am I to redraw cards that I just put back into my deck after using a mulligan?". In the table below, you'll see the results of 10,000,000 6 card draws followed by 5 card draws of three deck makeups. These numbers are derived using the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm, which is the same algortihm used on The Crucible Online.
In the "All Unique" model, every card in the deck is unique; there is no more than one copy of each card in the deck. In the "2 sets of 2 cards" model, there are duplicates of two cards in the deck (e.g. 2 copies of Bad Penny and 2 copies of Yxilo Bolter), and 1 copy of all other cards in the deck. In the "1 set of 3 cards" model, one card has 3 copies in the deck (e.g. 3 copies of Bad Penny) while all other cards in the deck have just 1 copy.

# redrawn All Unique 2 sets of 2 cards 1 set of 3 cards
0 37.81294 34.25509 33.09266
1 43.61144 43.80313 43.60717
2 16.14783 18.5513 19.40653
3 2.30691 3.1727 3.60981
4 0.1194 0.21365 0.27703
5 0.00148 0.00413 0.0068%
Type Commentary
Source Numbers courtesy of SkyJedi
Pages •Mulligan•


Text (More information regarding card distribution can be found in Card Rarity)

There are three types of special rarity that the deck building algorithm uses, according to the Master Vault:

  • As of the release of Age of Ascension, Variant cards are assigned to a deck and then modified based on other contents of the deck. For example, the algorithm decides to assign an Ambassador to a deck, and then based on the non-Sanctum houses in the deck, an appropriate Ambassador is assigned. In Call of the Archons, the Masters were the only variant, and they were inserted slightly differently; Master of 1 was inserted into the deck, and then based on the contents of the deck, it was either left as Master of 1 or changed to Master of 2 or Master of 3.
  • As of the release of Mass Mutation, the vault returned a rarity actually called "Special". The only card with this rarity so far is Dark Æmber Vault.
Type Commentary
Pages •Rarity•


Text Effects may still attempt to deal damage to a creature that "cannot be dealt damage", but the targeted creature's ability will prevent that damage according to the first step of the Damage section of the Timing Chart.
Type Commentary
Source Timing Chart
Pages •Ardent Hero•Golden Aura•Hallowed Shield•Lucky Dice•Potion of Invulnerability•Protectrix•Shield of Justice•


Text While there are three separate sentences to the ability of Positron Bolt, all damage is dealt simultaneously, not sequentially.
Type Commentary
Source Positron Bolt clarification.jpg
Pages •Positron Bolt•


Text Similar to Mug, the active player may freely choose any creature when resolving the ability of Hadron Collision and is not required to choose a warded creature.
Type Commentary
Source Mug
Pages •Hadron Collision•


Text In order to play a gigantic creature, a player must have both halves of the creature in hand, and play those cards together as a single creature. The top half of a gigantic creature has the text “1 of 2” next to its title, while its corresponding bottom half shares the same title and has the text “2 of 2” next to its rarity icon.

A gigantic creature counts as 2 cards while out of play, but as a single creature card while in play. Playing a gigantic creature only counts as playing 1 card, and therefore it is allowed on the first turn. After a gigantic creature leaves play, the 2 halves are treated as separate cards again.

Both halves of a gigantic creature have the same title, house, and card type. Otherwise, each half has the attributes printed on it: the top half has bonus icons, while the bottom half has power, armor, and the text box (including traits).

If a card instructing the active player to play or put into play a creature chooses one half of a gigantic creature, that effect will fail.


  • Regrowth would only be able to return one half of a gigantic creature to hand.
  • Tempting Offer returns both halves of a gigantic creature from play to its owner's hand.
  • Resurgence could return the bottom half of Niffle Kong (with the Mutant trait) and then return the top half, but the same would not work for Ultra Gravitron as the bottom half does not have the Mutant trait.
  • Troop Call can return all of Niffle Kong to hand from play. From the discard pile, however, Troop Call can only return the bottom half of Niffle Kong since only the bottom half has the Niffle trait.
  • The ability of Library Card draws a single card when Ultra Gravitron is played.
  • A gigantic creature counts as playing a single card in regards to the ability of Ember Imp.
Type Commentary
Source Gigantic
Pages •Deusillus•Niffle Kong•Ultra Gravitron•


Text Any time a stunned creature could normally be used, it can instead be used by exhausting it to remove its stun status card.

If a card effect would cause a stunned creature to fight, reap, or use an action or omni ability, instead that creature is exhausted and the stun status card is removed. This is considered "using" that creature.

Type Commentary
Source Stun
Pages •Use•


Text When creatures are tagged for destruction, the Active Player chooses the order in which Destroyed: abilities resolve. If multiple creatures have multiple Destroyed: abilities the abilities are resolved on a per-ability basis, meaning that the active player can resolve a Destroyed: ability on one creature, then resolve a Destroyed: ability on another creature, then resolve another Destroyed: ability on the original creature.

It's also possible for a creature to lose a Destroyed: ability in the process of resolving Destroyed: abilities, but it is not possible for a creature to gain a Destroyed: ability after it has been tagged for destruction.

For example, the active player has Curia Saurus in their play area and in their battleline they have Praefectus Ludo as well as a creature with 1 Æmber on it. When the latter creature is tagged for destruction, it has 2 Destroyed: abilities:

  • Destroyed: Move 1Aember icon from this creature to the most powerful enemy creature. (From Curia Saurus)
  • Destroyed: Move each Aember icon from this creature to the common supply. (From Praefectus Ludo)

If the active player resolves the Destroyed: ability granted by Praefectus Ludo first, the creature will lose the ability granted by Curia Saurus, as it no longer meets the requirement to have the ability. If some other effect moved an Æmber back to the creature, the creature would not regain the Destroyed: ability granted by Curia Saurus.

(For a more in-depth review of KeyForge timing, see this essay.)

Type Commentary
Source Destroyed
Pages •Curia Saurus•


Text The default value of X is zero. If Picaroon is played with no neighbors (or is played with a blank text box), it will have a power of 0 and be destroyed.
Type Commentary
Source X
Pages •Picaroon•


Text If multiple copies of Novu Dynamo are in play, each ability resolves separately; The active player would need to discard two cards to keep both copies in play.
Type Commentary
Source Ability
Pages •Novu Dynamo•


Text If an ability says "Choose a creature," the Active Player may choose a Friendly or Enemy creature when resolving the effect.
Type Commentary
Source Rulebook
Pages •Circlespeak••Creed of Nature••Entropic Swirl••Gabos Longarms••Golden Aura••Hallowed Shield••Lethal Distraction••Martian Hounds••Martian Hounds (Elders)••Niffle Grounds••Phalanx Strike••Rapid Evolution••Red Planet Ray Gun••Red Planet Ray Gun (Ironyx Rebels)••Rorag Screamer••Safe or Sorry••Spectral Tunneler••Tendrils from Beyond••Treok, The Wise (Anomaly)•

•Thundertow•Swallow Whole•



Text If an ability states an effect is applied to "each creature", the effect is resolved for both Friendly and Enemy creatures.
Type Commentary
Source Rulebook
Pages •Absolve••Adult Swim••Agent Taengoo (Ironyx Rebels)••Ammonia Clouds••Antanagoge (Anomaly)••Axiom of Grisk••Æmberlution••Bad Chemistry••Ballcano••Barter and Games••Behold Its Grandeur••Bellowing Patrizate••Blinding Light••Bury Riches••Captain Kresage (Evil Twin)••Carpet Phloxem••Catch and Release••Cauldron Boil••Charge!••Choking Ivy••Chonk Evermore••Cleansing Wave••Collective Calm••Colossipede••Com. Officer Gross••Crushing Charge••Curia Saurus••Cursed Tomb••Custom Virus••Dance of Doom••De-escalation••Deep Probe (Elders)••Diplo-Macy••Dirge of the Deep••Doom Sigil••Draco Praeco••Dry the River••Earthshaker••Echoing Deathknell••Election••Erratic Portal••Extinction••Extinction (Elders)••Final Analysis••Final Refrain••First or Last••First or Last (Redemption)••Further Investigations••Gateway to Dis••General Sherman••Genetic Drift••Good of the Many••Grand Alliance Council••Grand Melee••Grey Aberrant••Grim Reminder••Groupthink Tank••Guilty Hearts••Harbinger of Doom••Heavy Subsidies••Honor or Glory••Hukaru Icefin••Hysteria••Infighting••Infinity Strop••Into the Warp••Kaboom!••Kangaphant••Kerwollop••Key to Dis••Kiligog’s Trench••Left in Its Wake••Magistrate Crispus••Mass Buyout••Mælstrom••Mind Bullets••Mind Over Matter••Niche Market••No Safety in Numbers••Onyx Knight••Opal Knight••Pale Into Insignificance••Pax Sauriana••Pestergrove••Phalanx Leader••Phloxem Spike••Phoenix Heart••Plummet••Poison Wave••Primal Seal••Qyxxlyxx Grave Master••R-Evolution••R-Evolution (Ironyx Rebels)••Rage Reset••Ragnarok••Rakuzel’s Chant••Regrettable Meteor••Return to Rubble••Saurarium••Selective Preservation••Shell of a Ghost••Sibyl Waimare••Skŏllĕnbŭzzz••Sniffer••Sobogg’s Thingamabob••Solo••Soul Bomb••Space Invaders••Space Invaders (Elders)••Spoils of Battle••Standardized Testing••Strange Gizmo••Strange Torpedo••Tachyon Pulse••Tealnar••Tectonic Shift••Tendrils of Pain••The Big One••The Common Cold••The First Scroll••The Pale Star••The Spirit’s Way••They Tell No Tales••Tidal Trouble••Too Low••Trojan Sauropod••Unguarded Camp••Unlocked Gateway••Unprepared••Unstable Dale••Warriors’ Refrain••Winds of Death••Wipe Clear••Wretched Doll•


Text The additional Reap: ability granted by this card is resolved along with any other Reap: abilities of the creature, in the order of the active player's choosing.
Type Commentary
Source Reap
Pages •Academy Training••Anachronometer••Chan’s Blaster••Collective Calm••Disruption Field••Dredge••Duskrunner••Efficient Æmber Burner••Election••Flying Broomstick••Force Field••Frane’s Blaster••Gamma Blaster••Garcia’s Blaster••Ghostform (Anomaly)••Heavy Subsidies••Ingram’s Blaster••Ironyx Propaganda••Ironyx Propaganda (Ironyx Rebels)••Khrkhar’s Blaster••Kirby’s Blaster••Mirror Shell••Molina’s Blaster••Niffle Paw••Observ-u-Max••Overclocked Shock Collar••Pendra’s Box••Primordial••Qincan’s Blaster••R-Evolution••R-Evolution (Ironyx Rebels)••Reallocation Accessory••Reckless Experimentation••Red Planet Ray Gun••Red Planet Ray Gun (Ironyx Rebels)••Replicative Growth••Requisition Writ••Rocket Boots••Silent Dagger••Singing Scythe••Song of the Wild••Spectral Tunneler••Stunner••Suggestion Box••Tomb of Agony••Transmuting Lift••Treasure Island••Uncharted Lands••Universal Translator••Walls’ Blaster••Watched Closely••Way of the Pixie••Wild Spirit••Wind Shield•


Text Similar to Magda the Rat, the Play: ability of this card resolves and creates a lasting effect. This effect remains as long as the creature is in play, and the effect does not change if control of the creature changes.

Further, if this card is played under Shadow of Dis, the Play ability doesn't resolve, so the lasting effect will not be created. The lasting effect does not change if it has already been established and then Shadow of Dis is played.

Type ArchivedCommentary
Date 03/22/2021
Source Magda the Rat
Pages •Restringuntus•Turnkey•


Text If multiple cards with bonus icons are played in a turn, the constant ability of Adaptoid will resolve after each card with bonus icons is played. A different option may be gained each time. If multiple instances of Assault or Armor are gained, those are combined following the respective rules for Assault and Armor. If multiple instances of the "Fight: Steal 1Aember icon" ability are gained, each instance is resolved separately.
Type Commentary
Source FightAssaultArmor
Pages •Adaptoid•


Text The additional Fight: ability granted by this card is resolved along with any other Fight: abilities of the creature, in the order of the active player's choosing.
Type Commentary
Source Fight
Pages •Ancient Battleground••Bigger Guns for Everyone••Diplo-Macy••Fyre-Breath••Hand Cannon••Hunter of Legend••Improvised Aviation••Incensed••Instrument of Silence••Into the Fray••Killzord Mk. 9001••Niffle Sanctuary••Plasma Nozzle••Sacred Duty••Siren Horn••Titanic Maw••Werewolf Curse••Z-Particle Tracker••Z-Ray Blaster•


Text The ability of this card replaces a card’s original house.
Type Commentary
Source Orator Hissaro
Pages •Brain Stem Antenna•


Text If multiple creatures remain after the "Destroy" effects of Champion's Challenge ability have resolved, the active player chooses one of the remaining creatures to resolve the rest of the ability.
Type Commentary
Source Active player
Pages •Champion's Challenge•


Text Collar of Subordination's effect is active as long as it is in play. If it leaves play, the effect created by Collar of Subordination's ability expires and control of the creature Collar of Subordination was attached to reverts to its previous controller.
Type Commentary
Source ControlAbility
Pages •Collar of Subordination•


Text The ability of Gambling Den takes place in the "Start of Turn" effects window of the Timing Chart. Any Æmber earned during the resolution of Gambling Den's ability can then be spent in the "Forge a Key" step.
Type Commentary
Source Timing Chart
Pages •Gambling Den•


Text Playing this card will allow you to play another card from your hand on the first turn, since the First Turn Rule can be modified by card effects.
Type Commentary
Source First Turn Rule
Pages •Helper Bot•Com. Officer Kirby•Captain Val Jericho•Subject Kirby•Together!•


Text Regardless if this card was the attacker in a fight, if this card survives a fight, its ability will resolve.
Type Commentary
Source Timing ChartFight
Pages •Brain Eater••Chonkers••Eunoia••Francus••Francus (Redemption)••Gravelguts••Grommid••Grommid (Elders)••Hapsis••Jarl Svend••Krump••Mugwump••Nizak, The Forgotten (Anomaly)••Overlord Greking••Stealer of Souls•


Text The ability of this card takes place in the same timing window as Play: abilities and other "After Play" or "After Enters Play" effects. If a creature with a Play: ability is destroyed by the damage from this card before the resolution of the creature's Play: ability, the creature's Play: ability will not resolve.
Type Commentary
Source Timing ChartAbility
Pages •Pingle Who Annoys•Autocannon•


Text If there are no enemy creatures in play or another card effect prevents creatures from fighting, the ability of Little Rapscal is ignored.
Type Commentary
Source Enrage
Pages •Little Rapscal•


Text When resolving the ability of this card, "any number" can be treated as zero.
Type Commentary
Source "Any Number"
Pages •Battle Fleet••Commpod••Crop Circles••Destructive Analysis••Destructive Analysis (Elders)••Further Investigations••Helmsman Spears••Kaupe (Evil Twin)••Martyr’s End••Martyr’s End (Redemption)••Might Makes Right••Mothergun••Niffle Kong••Not Finished with You••Obsidian Forge••Orbital Bombardment••Rage Reset••Safe or Sorry••Song of Spring••Space Invaders••Space Invaders (Elders)••The Archivist••The Long Con••Trade Secrets••Well of Memory•


Text When playing this card, the bonus icon resolves prior to the resolution of the Play: ability.
Type Commentary
Source Timing Chart
Pages •Neuro Syphon•Doorstep to Heaven•


Text Cards put into play by another card's effect (rather than being played from an out-of-play area such as the hand or discard pile) are not considered "played" cards. If an ability “puts” a card “into play,” bonus icons and “Play:” abilities on the card put into play do not resolve.
Type Commentary
Source Play: (ability)
Pages •De-Doss••Ember Imp••Grommid••Grommid (Elders)••Lifeward••Phantasmaquid••Quixxle Stone••Treasure Map•


Text When the ability of Numquid the Fair is resolved against a creature that is warded, the ability resolves once to remove the Ward token, then when the effect repeats it will destroy the creature.
Type Commentary
Source Repeat
Pages •Numquid the Fair•


Text If there are no other creatures in play, the Play: ability of Skullion will destroy Skullion.
Type Commentary
Source Timing Chart
Pages •Skullion•


Text The constant ability of Speed Sigil only applies to the first creature played on a turn. Multiple copies of Speed Sigil provide no additional effect.
Type Commentary
Source Speed Sigil
Pages •Speed Sigil•


Text The ability of United Action allows you to play cards from any house for which you have a card in play. This is in addition to the normal allowance of playing cards in the active house.
Type Commentary
Source House Choice
Pages •United Action•


Text The ability of Veylan Analyst only resolves when an artifact is used; Constant abilities do not count for uses of an artifact. However, you may use an Artifact's Action: or Omni: ability to resolve the ability of Veylan Analyst, even if the Artifact's ability has no effect.
Type Commentary
Source Constant ability
Pages •Veylan Analyst•


Text If an ability saying keys cannot be forged is active, then keys cannot be forged, even if a player is outside the "Forge a key" step of the Timing Chart.
Type Commentary
Source Cannot vs Must
Pages •Bronze Key Imp••Gold Key Imp••Heart of the Forest••Silver Key Imp•


Text The Action: ability of The Warchest will gain its controller Æmber only for creatures that were destroyed prior to The Warchest being used. Any creatures destroyed in a fight after The Warchest has been used will not gain Æmber through The Warchest's ability.
Type Commentary
Source Action ability
Pages •The Warchest•


Text If the ability of this card is used to destroy a creature with the Invulnerable keyword, the ability can continue to resolve against the creature with Invulnerable, as it cannot be destroyed.
Type Commentary
Source RepeatInvulnerable
Pages •Neutron Shark•Bouncing Deathquark•


Text The constant ability of Hunting Witch is available to resolve at the same point in the timing chart as the Play: ability of Chota Hazri. The active player may resolve these to abilities in the order of their choosing.
Type Commentary
Source Timing Chart
Pages •Hunting Witch•Chota Hazri•


Text The constant ability of Customs Office creates a play restriction that must be met before an artifact can be played. If a player has no Æmber in their pool, that player would not be able to play an artifact with an Æmber bonus icon, as the bonus icon will not resolve until the Artifact is in play.
Type Commentary
Source Timing Chart
Pages •Customs Office•


Text Tokens and upgrades are only removed from a card through card effects or when the card they are attached to leaves play. When an artifact that had been moved to the battleline using Animator's Action: ability returns to the artifact area, any tokens (damage, Æmber, wards, etc.) stay on the artifact, and upgrades will remain attached to the card. Tokens have no effect while on the artifact since token effects only apply to creatures. If an upgrade grants a creature an ability using the phrase "This creature gains", that ability does not apply to the artifact. Other constant abilities from upgrades (such as that of Quadracorder) would still be able to resolve.

If an artifact leaves play, all tokens on that artifact, including Æmber, are returned to the common supply.

Type ArchivedRulings
Source Leaves Play
Option1 Archived based on updated ruling from FFG in


Text If there is a single card in a battleline, it is both in the Center of the Battleline and on both flanks.
Type Commentary
Source FlankCenter of the Battleline
Pages •Flank•Center of the Battleline•


Text There are currently no cards that force the non-active player to make any decisions. According to FFG, "The 'unless otherwise specified' language of card abilities was included more for future-proofing purposes in case there was a strange interaction between cards that would instruct the non-active player to make a decision."
Type Commentary
Source Active_Player_Makes_All_Decisions.png
Pages •Active Player•Ability•


Text FFG has clarified that The Pale Star's ability cancels any power and armor bonuses granted by other card effects granted by upgrades. "The creature is essentially modified by all buffs, and then The Pale Star drops it to 0/1." This overrides the effects of +1 power counters and card effects like Dark Æmber Vault as well.
Type Commentary
Source Palestarclarification.jpg
Pages •The Pale Star•


Text Similar to Tentacus, multiple copies of Customs Office require your opponent to pay one Æmber for each copy of Customs Office in your play area before an artifact can be played. If your opponent is unable to pay the full requirement, they pay nothing.
Type Commentary
Date 2
Source Tentacus.jpg
Pages •Customs Office•


Text If Mark of Dis is played on an opponent's creature that belongs to a house not on the opponent's identity card, there must be a card of that creature's house under the opponent's control during their Choose a House step for Mark of Dis to force the house choice.

Example: Chris is playing a deck with Brobnar, Mars, and Sanctum. Chris plays Hypnobeam to take control of a Saurian creature from Sam. On Sam's turn, Sam plays Mark of Dis and targets the Saurian creature, but doesn't destroy it, forcing Chris to choose Saurian for their active house next turn. Sam then subsequently plays a card that destroys the Saurian creature in Chris' battleline. On Chris' turn, when they reach the Choose a House step, they are forced to choose a house that they cannot choose as it is not on their identity card and they don't control a card of that house. Since Cannot effects take precedence, Chris may freely choose their active house.

Type ArchivedCommentary
Date 2
Source Pitlord
Pages •Mark of Dis•


Text If Snag is used to fight an opponent's creature that belongs to a house not on the opponent's identity card, there must be a card of that creature's house under the opponent's control during their Choose a House step for Snag's Fight: ability to force the house choice.

Example: Chris is playing a deck with Brobnar, Mars, and Sanctum. Chris plays Hypnobeam to take control of a Saurian creature from Sam. On Sam's turn, Sam uses Snag to fight the Saurian creature, destroying it and forcing Chris to choose Saurian for their active house next turn. On Chris' turn, when they reach the Choose a House step, they are forced to choose a house that they cannot choose as it is not on their identity card and they don't control a card of that house. Since Cannot effects take precedence, Chris may freely choose their active house.

Type Commentary
Date 2
Source Pitlord
Pages •Snag•


Text FFG has acknowledged that this FAQ should be updated to read: "Encounter Suit's ability occurs after an action card is played and its bonus icons are resolved, at the same timing point as other effects that occur "after" an action card is played. However, the active player must trigger Encounter Suit's effect before triggering the "Play:" effect on that action card.
Type Commentary
Date 2
Source EnocounterSuitFAQUpdate.png
Pages •Encounter Suit•


Text In a conversation with former developer Brad Andres, Brad confirmed that the intent was that if a neighbor of Shadow Self is dealt damage by a card with a "if this damage destroys the creature" effect, that is also redirected to the Shadow Self. For example, my opponent's battleline consists of three creatures: a Shadow Self with 8 damage and a power 2 creature on each side. I play Special Delivery to deal damage to a flank creature, and that damage is redirected to the Shadow Self, destroying it. Since the creature that was 'actually' dealt damage is destroyed, Special Delivery's condition is met, and Shadow Self gets purged.

Note from the Arcanists: To date, nothing has been added to the rulebook that demonstrates this intent.

Type ArchivedCommentary
Date 2
Source SSSDinteraction.png
Pages •Shadow Self•


Text How exactly does Evasion Sigil work? If a card with a Before Fight ability tries to fight do we check first with Evasion Sigil if anything happens or does the active player decide which order Evasion Sigil and Before Fight: abilities resolve?

Both of these effects have the same timing point (before a fight), so the active player chooses the order of resolution.

Type ArchivedCommentary
Source Email quoted from Fantasy Flight Games KeyForge forum (The FFG Forums were deleted in early 2021.)
Pages •Evasion Sigil•


Text Based on the clarification on the facedown cards under Jargogle, it would seem that the card under Masterplan can be reviewed by the controlling player.
Type Commentary
Source •Jargogle•
Pages •Masterplan•


Text Based on the clarification provided by Wild Bounty, when resolving bonus icons “an additional time”, do the additional time immediately after resolving that icon.
Type Commentary
Source Wild Bounty
Pages •Fission Bloom•


Text Effects that reference bonus icons include all bonus icons, include Æmber icons.
Type Commentary
Source Wild Bounty
Pages •Bonus icon•


Text FFG has clarified that Grommid's "You cannot play creatures." ability should be treated as a constant ability that is active only while Grommid is in play rather than a play restriction that would be active in the hand.
Type Commentary
Source GrommidConstantAbility.jpg
Pages •Grommid•


Text FFG had stated in Crucible Cast 25 that if the Play: ability of Ghosthawk would not allow an Enraged neighbor to reap. This decision was reversed in the FAQ of Rulebook 1.7 and FFG provided a commentary in an article entitled A Mutation in the Rules:

The team discussed it, and we considered going into greater detail in the Enrage section, specifying all the occasions where an enraged creature could or could not be used for anything other than fighting. This led to the problem, though, that if we missed any possible scenarios where a creature would not be able to fight in that list, we would be opening the door for a “lockout” scenario, where you can neither use your creature to fight, nor to do anything else. We try to avoid those interactions as much as possible in KeyForge. So ultimately, we decided that the “if able” exemption is better left open-ended. Accordingly, we have reversed our decision, and now we are saying that you can reap with an enraged creature when you play Ghosthawk next to it, because you are not able to fight with it via Ghosthawk’s ability.

Type Commentary
Source Rulebook 1.7A Mutation in the Rules
Pages •Enrage•


Text Evasion Sigil's ability is resolved at the same time as 'before fight' abilities (e.g. Before Fight: abilities, Assault, Hazardous). If the card that is discarded when resolving Evasion Sigil's ability is of the active house, other 'before fight' abilities will still resolve, but the fight itself will not happen (i.e. Creatures will not exchange damage via their power, the attacking creature’sFight: abilities will not resolve.). If there are two copies of Evasion Sigil in play, the ability of each Evasion Sigil must resolve along with any other 'before fight' abilities in the order of the Active Player's choosing.

Example: Aaron and Danny each have a copy of Evasion Sigil in their play areas. Aaron is the Active Player and chooses Brobnar as his active house. Aaron chooses to use a creature to fight. After selecting the opponent's creature to fight, 'before fight' abilities resolve. Aaron chooses to resolve the ability of his Evasion Sigil, discarding a Brobnar card, meaning the fight will not happen. He then continues resolving 'before fight' abilities by resolving Danny's Evasion sigil, discarding a Shadows card. With no other 'before fight' abilities able to be resolved, the creature remains exhausted, but no damage exchange via creature power happens nor do Fight: abilities resolve. Card effects that reference “after a creature fights” or “after a creature is used” will still resolve, as the creature was used to fight (even though the fight did not resolve).

Type Commentary
Source Crucible Cast 4 • Email quoted from Fantasy Flight Games KeyForge forum (The FFG Forums were deleted in early 2021.)
Pages •Evasion Sigil•


Text This card's ability blanks the text box of affected cards once they are in play. If a lasting effect was created prior to this card's ability being resolved, the lasting effect remains active for the duration specified by the effect, even though the text box creating the effect may be blank.

If an affected card with a Play: ability that establishes a lasting effect is played after this card, then the Play: ability does not resolve, and no lasting effect is created.

Type Commentary
Source Lasting effectsMagda the Rat
Pages •Shadow of Dis•Blossom Drake•


Text The Play: ability of this card resolves and creates a lasting effect. This effect remains as long as the creature is in play, and the effect does not change if control of the creature changes.
Type Commentary
Source Lasting effectsMagda the Rat
Pages •Restringuntus•Turnkey•


Text If you use Animator to turn an artifact into a creature, then play an upgrade on that creature, that upgrade will be discarded when that creature becomes an artifact again.
Type ArchivedCommentary
Source Upgrades
Pages •Animator•


Text The Omega keyword granted by Chronophage's ability will resolve (resulting in the end of the current step), even if another Play: or "After Play" effect destroys the card upon entering play.
Type Commentary
Source Duskwitch
Pages •Chronophage•


Text When resolving the Play: ability of Mælstrom, the cards should be randomized first, then placed on top of the each players deck. After randomizing, the order of the cards should not be revealed to either player.
Type Commentary
Pages •Mælstrom•


Text Static Charge's ability grants an ability to the creature to which it is attached. This results in the creature being the source of the damage, not Static Charge.

For example, if Static Charge is attached to Shoulder Id, Static Charge's ability grants a new ability to Shoulder Id, meaning Shoulder Id's text box now reads (numbers for reference):

  1. Taunt.
  2. Shoulder Id cannot fight.
  3. When Shoulder Id would deal damage, steal 1 Æmber instead.
  4. At the start of your turn, deal 2 damage to each of this creature's neighbors.
At the start of the Shoulder Id's controller's turn, Ability 4 resolves and Shoulder Id would deal 2 damage to each of the creature's neighbors. However, since Shoulder Id would deal damage, that dealing of damage is replaced with a steal via Ability 3, and Shoulder Id's controller steals 1 Æmber. Since all damage is dealt simultaneously, the dealing of the damage only happens once, which means the replacement of that damage will also only happen once, resulting in Shoulder Id stealing 1 Æmber.

Type Commentary
Source Shadow of Dis
Pages •Static Charge•Shoulder Id•


Text Based on the ruling for Undagnathus (Evil Twin), the damage dealt to Drecker during fights should be calculated after the neighbor has mitigated the damage.

Example: In my battleline, I have a Sacro-Fiend next to Drecker. My opponent uses a 3-power creature to fight Sacro-Fiend. Sacro-Fiend's armor prevents 2 damage from being dealt, resulting in 1 damage being placed onto Sacro-Fiend and 1 damage being placed on Drecker.

Type Commentary
Source Undagnathus (Evil Twin)
Pages •Drecker•


Text If Old Egad's neighbors are already tagged for destruction when they become warded by Old Egad's Destroyed: ability, the neighbors will still be destroyed; a ward will not prevent an already-tagged creature from leaving play.
Type Commentary
Source Ward
Pages •Old Egad•


Text It appears as though there is a typo on this card. It should read, "Play: For the remainder of the turn, each friendly creature gains assault X, where X is the number of forged keys your opponent has."
Type Commentary
Pages •Avenging Aura•


Text If a creature attacks and destroys Old Egad (Evil Twin), Old Egad (Evil Twin)'s Destroyed: ability will cause all of the enemy creatures to be enraged. However, because the attacking creature will then resolve its "After fight" window, that creature will have its Enrage token removed.
Type Commentary
Source Enrage
Pages •Old Egad (Evil Twin)•


Text The ability of The Ulfberht Device resolves during each player's "choose a house" phase (Step 2), so it would first resolve during the turn after it enters play, and would prevent the player from choosing the house that they chose in a previous turn. The Ulfberht Device does not have to be in play to be aware of a previous game state, in this case the house chosen by a player in the previous turn.

For example: On turn 1, Player A chooses Dis as their active house. Player B chooses Star Alliance and plays The Ulfberht Device. On turn 2, Player A reaches Step 2, The Ulfberht Device resolves, and cannot choose Dis.

Type Commentary
Pages •The Ulfberht Device•


Text Kiri Giltspine's ability creates a lasting effect for an enemy creature after that enemy creature reaps. Even if Kiri Giltspine leaves play, any creatures that reaped will have resolved Kiri Giltspine's ability and established the lasting effect. The lasting effect will persist and the enemy creature that reaped will not ready during its controller's next "Ready Cards" phase.
Type Commentary
Source Lasting effects
Pages •Kiri Giltspine•


Text Deep Priest Glebe's constant ability is established as soon as it is in play. As an Aquan creature itself, Deep Priest Glebe's ability would resolve in the "After play" window of the timing chart and an enemy creature will exhaust.
Type Commentary
Source Constant abilityTiming Chart
Pages •Deep Priest Glebe•


Text The Play: ability of Æmber-vac resolves and raises the tide for the player who plays Æmber-vac. The second ability is applied to the creature to which Æmber-vac is attached, and that creature will capture 2 Æmber from its controller's opponent at the start of the turn, if the tide is high.
Type Commentary
Source ControlUpgrades
Pages •Æmber-vac•


Text When a creature deals damage to its neighbor as a result of the resolution of Infighting's Play: ability, it is not "during a fight", so the Poison keyword will not resolve.
Type Commentary
Source Poison
Pages •Infighting•


Text During the active player’s turn, they may use the ability “Omni: Raise the tide. Gain 3 chains.” Using this ability does not require the use of a card, and so therefore can be done at any point during the active player's turn. The tide may be raised (even from a neutral state) regardless of whether or not there are cards in play that refer to the state of the tide.
Type Commentary
Source Tide


Text While the rules for Destroyed say "Players cannot choose to sacrifice or destroy a creature that is already tagged for destruction," FFG have confirmed that this restriction should apply to all card types.
Type Commentary
Source Destroyedforallcardtypes.png
Pages •Destroyed•


Text When resolving Quintrino Flux's Play: ability, choose an enemy creature and a friendly creature, then destroy all creatures with the same power as the chosen creatures. For example, if you choose a friendly creature with power 4 and an enemy creature with power 5, all creatures with power 4 and all creatures with power 5 would get tagged for destruction.
Type Commentary
Pages •Quintrino Flux•


Text If a creature or artifact changes control, it moves to its new controller's play area in whatever state it existed in its previous controller's play area; If the card was ready prior to changing control, it will remain ready in the new controller's play area. Any upgrades or tokens on the card remain on the card after it is moved to the new controller's play area.
Type Commentary
Pages •Control•


Text When resolving Entropic Manipulator's Play: ability, after choosing a player, the active player removes and redistributes the damage tokens among the chosen player's creatures. This damage is not considered to be "dealt" for the purposes of card effects. After redistributing the damage to the creatures, any creatures that have been assigned damage greater than the creature's power are tagged for destruction.
Type Commentary
Pages •Entropic Manipulator•


Text Based on the ruling for Æmberlution, when resolving Trojan Sauropod's Omni: ability, the Active player makes all decisions in regards to how both player's creatures enter their respective battlelines.

Also note that resolving the Omni: ability from Trojan Sauropod "puts the creatures into play", meaning that neither bonus icons nor Play: abilities on those cards will resolve.

Type Commentary
Source ÆmberlutionPlay: (ability)
Pages •Trojan Sauropod•


Text Based on the ruling for Nexus and Shard of Greed, a card that is being treated "as if it were yours" is considered to be friendly for the purposes of resolving the ability text.
Type Commentary
Source Shard of Greed
Pages •As if it were yours•Friendly•


Text Based on the clarifications of Livia the Elder, Kompsos Haruspex's ability:
  • Makes a Play/Fight: ability (such as Thero Centurion's ability) become a Play/Fight/Reap: ability.
  • Does not create an additional instance of an already present Reap: ability. For example, Senator Shrix's Play/Reap: ability does not become a Play/Reap/Reap: ability.
  • Other abilities that provide additional Reap: abilities to a creature (such as Song of the Wild's ability) add additional Reap: abilities that will resolve in addition to the Reap: abilities provided by Kompsos Haruspex.
  • Kompsos Haruspex and Livia the Elder abilities can combine to grant Play/Fight/Reap: abilities.
Type Commentary
Source Crucible Cast 19•Livia the Elder•
Pages •Kompsos Haruspex•


Text Stampede's ability focuses on the number of creatures used, rather than if the same creature is used multiple times in the turn. In other words, 3 different creatures must have been used for the ability to resolve.
Type Commentary
Pages •Stampede•


Text If a player plays 2 copies of Befuddle and names two different houses on their opponent's Archon identity card, the opponent will be unable to play cards from any of their three houses during their next turn.

Example: Player 1 has Ekwidon, Mars, and Sanctum on their Archon identity card. Player 2 plays Befuddle and names Ekwidon, meaning Player 1 cannot play cards from Mars or Sanctum during their next turn. Player 2 then plays another copy of Befuddle and names Mars, meaning Player 1 cannot play cards from Ekwidon or Sanctum during their next turn. As a result, Player 1 cannot play cards from Ekwidon, Mars, or Sanctum during their next turn. Player 1 can still use cards from whatever they choose for their active house.

Type Commentary
Pages •Befuddle•


Text Closed-Door Negotiation's ability uses "trigger this effect again", meaning the effect will repeat until a player's opponent does not have more Æmber in their pool than the player does.

Example: Player 1 has 2 Æmber in their pool. Player 2 has 8 Æmber in their pool. Player 1 plays Closed-Door Negotiation and resolves the bonus icon, bringing Player 1's pool to 3 Æmber. Player 2 then draws a card due to the Play: ability, and Player 1 steals 1 Æmber, bringing their pool to 4. Since Player 2 still has more Æmber (7), the effect repeats. After this resolution, Player 2 has drawn a card and Player 1 has stolen another Æmber to bring their pool up to 5 Æmber, Player 2 has 6 Æmber in their pool. The effect repeats again, bringing Player 1's Æmber pool to 6. Player 2 no longer has more Æmber than Player 1, and so the effect's resolution is complete.

Type Commentary
Pages •Closed-Door Negotiation•


Text As of KeyForge Master Rulebook v16, the Tide is not in play unless one or more KeyForge decks used in a game includes a Tide reference card. As such, the Tide will have no effect for a player using a deck containing Valoocanth (Anomaly) unless their opponent is playing a deck that includes a Tide reference card.
Type Commentary
Pages •Tide•The Tide•Valoocanth (Anomaly)•


Text Keyfrog's Destroyed: ability resolves before Keyfrog leaves play. For Keyfrog's ability to resolve, Keyfrog's controller must have enough Æmber in their pool at the time the ability resolves, which is before events like captured Æmber would return to a player's pool and also before abilities that resolve based on Keyfrog's destruction (e.g. "after a creature is destroyed" abilities or "if this damage destroys a creature" abilities) would resolve.
Type Commentary
Pages •Keyfrog•


Text Based on the clarification provided by Discombobulator, effects that are dependent upon Æmber being stolen from your pool will not resolve if "your Æmber cannot be stolen."
Type Commentary
Source Discombobulator
Pages •Odoac the Patrician•


Text If the active player chooses to resolve Scoop Up's ability on an opponent-owned friendly creature, that creature will go to the opponent’s archive following the rules for leaving play. The enemy creature will go to the active player's archives, returning to its owner’s hand instead when it would later leave their archives.
Type Commentary
Source Leaves Play
Pages •Scoop Up•


Text Based on the ruling for Dysania, if you play this card and the purge of an archived card is replaced by that card returning to its owner's hand due to a lasting effect from a card like Sample Collection, the card that was returned to its owner's hand was not purged "this way".
Type Commentary
Date 02-26-2024
Source Dysania
Pages •Destructive Analysis•Crop Circles•


Text Based on the ruling for Reverse Time, when you resolve this card's ability, the entire deck should be turned over without changing the order of the cards and placed face up in the discard pile. (The top card of the deck should be the bottom card in the discard pile.)
Type Commentary
Date 02-26-2024
Source Reverse Time
Pages •Future is Past•


Text If Witch Queen is in the center of the battleline when a board wipe (such as Gateway to Dis) is played, only one other friendly Witch will end up being returned to its owner's hand. First, all creatures would be tagged for destruction, then one Witch creature's Destroyed: ability will resolve and be returned to its owners hand. This causes Witch Queen to no longer be in the center of the battleline, resulting in other friendly Witch creatures no longer having the Destroyed: ability. Even if Witch Queen can return to the center of the battleline by the resolution of another Destroyed: ability, the newly gained Destroyed: ability on the Witch creatures will not resolve; per the rules of Destroyed: "If a card gains a “Destroyed:” ability after it is already tagged for destruction, that ability does not resolve.
Type Commentary
Date 04-22-2024
Source Destroyed
Pages •Witch Queen•


Text If a card ability allows a player to play or use another card (or to fight or to reap with a card), the chosen card may belong to any house unless the ability specifically states otherwise.
Type Commentary
Date 08-12-2024
Source Using Cards Via Other Abilities
Pages •Ability•Playing Cards•


Text The ability of Barter and Games requires the active player to make several choices during its resolution. The following steps should be taken, in order, when resolving Barter and Games' Play: ability:
  1. The active player chooses which player will reveal a random card first.
  2. The active player chooses which zone that player will reveal from (their hand or archives), then reveals a random card from that zone.
  3. The active player chooses if the remaining player will reveal from their hand or their archives.
  4. Each player gains 1Aember icon for each Aember icon bonus icon on their revealed card.
  5. Tag each creature that shares a house with at least one of the revealed cards for destruction.
  6. The active player choosed the order in which Destroyed: abilities resolve.
  7. Once all Destroyed: abilities have finished resolving, the active player puts cards tagged for destruction into their owner's discard piles in the order of their choosing.
  8. Revealed cards get discarded in the player order of the AP's choosing.
Type Commentary
Date 10-15-2024
Source Resolve Abilities in the Order Written
Pages •Barter and Games•