Ganger Chieftain

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Ganger Chieftain
Ganger Chieftain • Brobnar • Creature • Common • Play: You may ready and fight with a neighboring creature. • Artist: Forrest Imel • Card Number: CotA:033, AoA:009, WC:007, VM2023:047, VM2024:044
Ganger Chieftain
Play: You may ready and fight with a neighboring creature.
It takes two to fight, but more is better.
CotA 033
AoA 009
WC 007
VM2023 047
VM2024 044
Artist: Forrest Imel

Official Rulings

  • You can unstun a creature anytime it could normally be used, whether because it belongs to the Active house or because a card effect allows you to use it.

    Source: Rulebook
What effects allow you to unstun an off-house creature?
You can unstun a creature anytime it could normally be used, whether because it belongs to the Active house or because a card effect allows you to use it.

Source: Rulebook


If Ganger Chieftain (a Giant) is played adjacent to Stilt-Kin, both the Constant ability of Stilt-Kin and the Play ability of Ganger Chieftain must resolve. The ordering of the resolution of these abilities is determined by the Active player.

Related Cards

Ganger Chieftain can also appear as: