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Creatures enter play exhausted and are placed in the front row of the active player’s play area. This row is referred to as the battleline. Creatures remain in play from turn to turn, and they each have power and armor values that they use to resolve fights.
Pages in category "Creature"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,195 total.
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- A. Vinda
- Abduct-o-Matic
- Abond the Armorsmith
- Abyssal Zealot
- Ace Jonavan
- Adaptoid
- Addlefish
- Administrator Rivet
- Admirable Neophyte
- Aedile Tullia
- Aerial Pedlar
- Aero O’Fore
- Agent Hoo-man
- Agent Sepdia
- Agent Taengoo (Ironyx Rebels)
- Aja the Inconspicuous
- Akugyo
- Alaka
- Alien Horror
- Alien Puffer
- Almsmaster
- Almsmaster (Evil Twin)
- Ambassador Liu
- Anahita the Trader
- Ancestral Timekeeper
- Ancient Bear
- Ancient Yurk
- Angry Mob
- Angwish
- ANT1-10NY
- Antanagoge (Anomaly)
- Antiquities Dealer
- Anvil Crawler
- Aquilia, Lone Hero
- Archimedes
- Ardent Hero
- Aristotlmimus
- Armadrone
- Armadrone (Evil Twin)
- Armory Officer Nel
- Armsmaster Molina
- Articulated Ren
- Ascendant Hester
- Aubade the Grim
- Austeralis Seaborg
- Awakened Titan
- Away Team
- Azuretooth
- Babbling Bibliophile
- Bad Penny
- Badgemagus
- Balaenora
- Baldric the Bold
- Ballistego
- Baron Mengevin
- Barrister Joya
- Bartos the Ruiner
- Batariel of the Grey
- Batdrone
- Battlefield Evangelist
- Bawretchadontius
- Beehemoth
- Belligerent Guard
- Bellowing Patrizate
- Berinon
- Bestiarii Urso
- Bestiarii Urso (Evil Twin)
- Big Sal
- Bigtwig
- Bilgewarden
- Bilgum Avalanche
- Binary Moray
- Binary Moray (Evil Twin)
- Bingle Bangbang
- Bit Byte
- Black Tempest
- Blernean Hydra
- Bloodshard Imp
- Blossom Drake
- Blue Æmberdrake
- Blunderbore
- Blypyp
- Blypyp (Elders)
- Bo Nithing
- Bog Spitter
- Boiler
- Bombyx
- Bonded Auctioneer
- Bonesaw
- Boosted B4-RRY
- Bordan the Redeemed
- Bordan the Redeemed (Redemption)
- Borka Rikk
- Borka Rikk (Ironyx Rebels)
- Borr Nit
- Bosch the Unyielding
- Boss Zarek
- Bosun Creen
- Bot Bookton
- Brabble
- Brachiaditus
- Brain Eater
- Bramble Lynx
- Brammo
- Brash Grabber
- Brash Grabber (Elders)
- Brass Klein
- Breaker Hill
- Brend the Fanatic
- Briar Grubbling
- Brikk Nastee
- Brillix Ponder
- Brobnar Ambassador
- Brobnar Plant
- Bronze Key Imp
- Brunx and Bongle
- Brutodon Auxiliary
- Bryozoarch
- Bull-wark
- Bull-wark (Redemption)
- Bulleteye
- Bulwark
- Bumblebird
- Bumpsy
- Bux Bastian
- Buzzle
- C.R. Officer Hawkins
- C.R. Officer Hawkins (Evil Twin)
- C.Æ.N.D.L.E. Unit
- Cadet Allison
- Captain Kresage
- Captain Kresage (Evil Twin)
- Captain Nemo
- Captain No-Beard
- Captain No-Beard (Evil Twin)
- Captain Pella
- Captain Val Jericho
- Carlo Phantom
- Censor Philo
- Censor Philo (Evil Twin)
- Centurion Stenopius
- Cephaloist
- Cera Severa
- CH-337A
- CH-337A (Evil Twin)
- Chain Gang
- Challe the Safeguard
- Champion Anaphiel
- Champion Tabris
- Champion Tabris (Redemption)
- Chancellor Dexterus
- Chandler Anouk
- Change Agent
- Chaosodon
- Charette
- Charybdis
- Chauncey
- Chelonia
- Chelonia (Evil Twin)
- Chenille
- Chief Engineer Walls
- Chonkers
- Chota Hazri
- Chronometer
- Chronophage
- Chronus
- Chuff Ape
- Chuff Ape (Elders)
- Chummy
- Cincinnatus Resurrexit
- Cincinnatus Rex
- Citizen Shrix
- Citizen Shrix (Redemption)
- Cmd. Prompt
- Cobalt Kapulet
- Code Monkey
- Cogg Miller
- Collector Boren
- Collector Worm
- Colonel Mariana
- Colonel Slime
- Colonist Chapman
- Colonist Chapman (Evil Twin)
- Colossipede
- Com. Officer Gross
- Com. Officer Hings
- Com. Officer Kirby
- Com. Officer Palik
- Commander Chan
- Commander Dhrxgar
- Commander Remiel
- Conductor Jărroyă
- Consul Primus
- Cornicen Octavia
- Corporal Bridger