
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
Adaptoid • Logos • Creature • Rare • Enhance Capture iconDamage iconDraw icon.  

After you play a card with a bonus icon, for the remainder of the turn, Adaptoid gains (choose one): +2 armor, assault 2, or “After Fight: Steal 1Aember icon.” • Artist: Grigory Serov • Card Number: MM:099, VM2023:110, MoMu:073

Enhance Capture iconDamage iconDraw icon.

After you play a card with a bonus icon, for the remainder of the turn, Adaptoid gains (choose one): +2 armor, assault 2, or “After Fight: Steal 1Aember icon.”

MM 099
VM2023 110
MoMu 073


If multiple cards with bonus icons are played in a turn, the constant ability of Adaptoid will resolve after each card with bonus icons is played. A different option may be gained each time. If multiple instances of Assault or Armor are gained, those are combined following the respective rules for Assault and Armor. If multiple instances of the "Fight: Steal 1Aember icon" ability are gained, each instance is resolved separately.

Source: FightAssaultArmor