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Cards containing Self-referential text
Pages in category "Self-referential"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 579 total.
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- Abyssal Zealot
- Ace Jonavan
- Adaptoid
- Aerial Pedlar
- Aerialist
- Aero O’Fore
- Aja the Inconspicuous
- Akugyo
- Alaka
- Alien Horror
- Almsmaster
- Almsmaster (Evil Twin)
- Ancestral Timekeeper
- Angry Mob
- Angwish
- Antanagoge (Anomaly)
- Archimedes
- Ardent Hero
- Aristotlmimus
- Armageddon Cloak
- Armsmaster Molina
- Art Project
- Ascendant Hester
- Aubade the Grim
- Awakened Titan
- Away Team
- Awful Atoll
- Bad Penny
- Badgemagus
- Balaenora
- Baldric the Bold
- Ballistego
- Baron Mengevin
- Bawretchadontius
- Beehemoth
- Belligerent Guard
- Bellowing Patrizate
- Berinon
- Berserker
- Bigtwig
- Binary Moray
- Binary Moray (Evil Twin)
- Bingle Bangbang
- Bit Byte
- Blast Shielding
- Blernean Hydra
- Blorb
- Blorb Hive
- Blossom Drake
- Bombyx
- Bonesaw
- Book of Malefaction
- Bosch the Unyielding
- Bottomless Depths
- Bracchanalia
- Brachiaditus
- Brain Eater
- Bramble Lynx
- Brash Grabber
- Brass Klein
- Breaker Hill
- Brunx and Bongle
- Bulwark
- Buzzle
- C.R. Officer Hawkins
- C.R. Officer Hawkins (Evil Twin)
- Cadet
- Cadet Allison
- Came Back Wrong
- Captain Kresage
- Captain Val Jericho
- Cauldron
- Causal Loop
- Ceaseforge
- Celestial Gorm
- Censor Philo
- Centurion Stenopius
- Cera Severa
- Chain Gang
- Chancellor Dexterus
- Chan’s Blaster
- Chaosodon
- Chauncey
- Chonkers
- Chronometer
- Chuff Ape
- Chummy
- Cincinnatus Resurrexit
- Cincinnatus Rex
- Citizen Shrix
- Cleric
- Clone Home
- Cobalt Kapulet
- Codex of True Names
- Collective Calm
- Collector Boren
- Collector Worm
- Colonist Chapman
- Com. Officer Gross
- Com. Officer Hings
- Combat Pheromones
- Commander Dhrxgar
- Corsair
- Covetous Hema
- Cowfyne
- Crash Muldoon
- Crassosaurus
- Crazy Killing Machine
- Creed of Nature
- Creed of Nurture
- Crewman Jörg
- Crim Torchtooth
- Crunch
- Cultist
- Curse of Cowardice
- Cursed Loot
- Cursed Relic
- Cursed Tomb
- Custom Virus
- Gabos Longarms
- Galeatops
- Garcia’s Blaster
- Gargantodon
- Gebuk
- Gegrrŏkŭŭ Sapper
- Gemcoat Vendor
- General Order 24
- General Sherman
- Ghost Tree
- Ghostform (Anomaly)
- Ghostly Dr. Verokter
- Giant Sloth
- Gizelhart’s Zealot
- Gladiodontus
- Gluttony
- Glyxl Proliferator
- Go Forth and Conquer
- Gorm of Omm
- Grave Pixie
- Gravelguts
- Greater Oxtet
- Grey Augur
- Grey Augur (Evil Twin)
- Grimlocus Dux
- Grinder Swarm