Crim Torchtooth

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Crim Torchtooth
Crim Torchtooth • Brobnar • Creature • Uncommon • Splash-attack 4. (When this creature attacks, also deal 4Damage icon to each of the attacked creature’s neighbors.) 

After Fight: Enrage each of Crim Torchtooth’s neighbors. • Artist: Brolken • Card Number: WoE:024, VM2023:023, GR:026, VM2024:024

Crim Torchtooth
Splash-attack 4. (When this creature attacks, also deal 4Damage icon to each of the attacked creature’s neighbors.)

After Fight: Enrage each of Crim Torchtooth’s neighbors.

WoE 024
VM2023 023
GR 026
VM2024 024
Artist: Brolken