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Mogghunter with an Enrage token
Mogghunter with Enrage Token

When a creature becomes enraged, place an enrage status counter on it. When a creature with an enrage counter on it is used, it must be used to fight, if able. After a creature with an enrage counter on it is used to fight, remove all enrage counters from it.

If there are no enemy creatures in play, an enraged creature may be used to reap, or for its Action: or Omni: ability (if any). While a creature has an enrage counter on it, it cannot be enraged again. If an effect attempts to enrage an enraged creature, that effect does not enrage the already enraged creature.

Related Topics: Fight, Using Creatures

KeyForge Master Rulebook v18, January 2025


  • Yes. You are only forced to fight with an enraged creature if you use them and they are able to fight. Because Ghosthawk instructs you to reap with that creature, not to use it, you are not able to fight with it, and therefore you can reap with it. The creature will exhaust, but will not lose its enrage counter.

    Source: Rulebook
If I play Ghosthawk (WC 356) next to an enraged creature, can that creature reap?
Yes. You are only forced to fight with an enraged creature if you use them and they are able to fight. Because Ghosthawk instructs you to reap with that creature, not to use it, you are not able to fight with it, and therefore you can reap with it. The creature will exhaust, but will not lose its enrage counter.

Source: Rulebook

  • Yes. Like Stun, both Ward and Enrage can target creatures that already have a token on them, the action will have no additional effect.

    Ward-enrage clarification.jpg
Can I target a Warded or Enraged creature with the relevant effect and have it do nothing, similar to Stun?
Yes. Like Stun, both Ward and Enrage can target creatures that already have a token on them, the action will have no additional effect.

Ward-enrage clarification.jpg


FFG had stated in Crucible Cast 25 that if the Play: ability of Ghosthawk would not allow an Enraged neighbor to reap. This decision was reversed in the FAQ of Rulebook 1.7 and FFG provided a commentary in an article entitled A Mutation in the Rules:

The team discussed it, and we considered going into greater detail in the Enrage section, specifying all the occasions where an enraged creature could or could not be used for anything other than fighting. This led to the problem, though, that if we missed any possible scenarios where a creature would not be able to fight in that list, we would be opening the door for a “lockout” scenario, where you can neither use your creature to fight, nor to do anything else. We try to avoid those interactions as much as possible in KeyForge. So ultimately, we decided that the “if able” exemption is better left open-ended. Accordingly, we have reversed our decision, and now we are saying that you can reap with an enraged creature when you play Ghosthawk next to it, because you are not able to fight with it via Ghosthawk’s ability.