Armageddon Cloak

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Armageddon Cloak
Armageddon Cloak • Sanctum • Upgrade • Rare • This creature gains hazardous 2 and, “Destroyed: Fully heal this creature and destroy Armageddon Cloak instead.” • Artist: Andreas Zafiratos • Card Number: CotA:263, AoA:249, MM:158, MoMu:133
Armageddon Cloak
This creature gains hazardous 2 and, “Destroyed: Fully heal this creature and destroy Armageddon Cloak instead.”
CotA 263
AoA 249
MM 158
MoMu 133

Official Rulings

  • Yes, since both of the effects happen simultaneously, the active player can choose the order of how the effects resolve. You could resolve the Destroyed: ability of the first Harbinger of Doom, tagging all of your creatures for destruction. Then the second Harbinger of Doom’s Destroyed: ability would resolve, but your creature can't be tagged for destruction a second time. Then resolve the Armageddon Cloak, removing the tag for destruction and replacing it with the destruction of the Armageddon Cloak.

    Source: Rulebook
I have a creature upgraded with Armageddon Cloak (COTA 263) in my battleline. In my opponent’s battleline there are two Harbingers of Doom (WC 076). If I destroy one Harbinger of Doom, resolving its Destroyed: ability, can the replacement effect of Armageddon Cloak’s ability protect my creature from both waves of destruction?
Yes, since both of the effects happen simultaneously, the active player can choose the order of how the effects resolve. You could resolve the Destroyed: ability of the first Harbinger of Doom, tagging all of your creatures for destruction. Then the second Harbinger of Doom’s Destroyed: ability would resolve, but your creature can't be tagged for destruction a second time. Then resolve the Armageddon Cloak, removing the tag for destruction and replacing it with the destruction of the Armageddon Cloak.

Source: Rulebook

Related Cards

Armageddon Cloak appears in house Redemption in Tokens of Change: