From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
This is a list of cards that have Rare rarity.
Pages in category "Rare"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 671 total.
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- A Fair Game
- A Strong Feeling
- Aberrant Warp Event
- Aberrant Warp Event (Ironyx Rebels)
- Academy Training
- Adaptoid
- Aedile Tullia
- Aero O’Fore
- Aja the Inconspicuous
- Ambassador Liu
- Amphora Captura
- Anachronometer
- Anahita the Trader
- Ancient Battleground
- Ancient Yurk
- Animating Force
- Animator
- Annihilation Ritual
- Antiquities Dealer
- Arcenomometer
- Archon’s Revenge
- Armageddon Cloak
- Armageddon Cloak (Redemption)
- Art Project
- Ascendant Hester
- Aurascope
- Auto-Legionary
- Auto-Vac 5150
- Autocannon
- Avenging Aura
- Avenging Aura (Redemption)
- Avid Collecting
- Awful Atoll
- Azuretooth
- Backup Plan
- Balaenora
- Banner of Battle
- Barehanded
- Barter and Games
- Bartos the Ruiner
- Batariel of the Grey
- Bawretchadontius
- Beanstalk
- Bear Flute
- Begone!
- Belcher
- Bellowing Patrizate
- Beta-Forge
- Big Magnet
- Big Magnet (Ironyx Rebels)
- Bilgum Avalanche
- Black Tempest
- Blorb Hive
- Blossom Drake
- Book of leQ
- Book of Malefaction
- Book of Malefaction (Redemption)
- Boosted B4-RRY
- Borka Rikk
- Borka Rikk (Ironyx Rebels)
- Bottomless Depths
- Bracchanalia
- Brachiaditus
- Brackish Shoreline
- Brain Stem Antenna
- Brawling Grounds
- Briar Grubbling
- Brothers in Battle
- Bryozoarch
- Bulleteye
- Cadet Allison
- Call of Need
- Call to Action
- Captain Kresage
- Captain Nemo
- Captain No-Beard
- Captain Val Jericho
- Ceaseforge
- Champion’s Challenge
- Chaos Portal
- Charge!
- Chenille
- Choking Ivy
- Chonkers
- Chronophage
- Chuff Ape
- Chuff Ape (Elders)
- Cincinnatus Rex
- City Gates
- Clear Mind
- Cloudburst Command
- Codex of True Names
- Collar of Subordination
- Collective Calm
- Com. Officer Hings
- Commander Dhrxgar
- Commpod
- Conductor Jărroyă
- Conscription
- Corner the Market
- Corrode
- Corrosive Monk
- Cosmic Recompense
- Countryside Crusher
- Crash Muldoon
- Crassosaurus
- Crazy Killing Machine
- Creed of Nature
- Creed of Nurture
- Creeping Oblivion
- Crystal Surge
- Cultural Exchange
- Cup of Water
- Curiosity
- Curse of Confusion
- Curse of Cowardice
- Curse of Disappearances
- Curse of Disappearances (Elders)
- Curse of Fertility
- Curse of Forgetfulness
- Curse of Obstinacy
- Curse of Spontaneity
- Cursed Loot
- Cursed Relic
- Custom Virus
- Customs Office
- Cyber-Clone
- Cybergiant Rig
- D1-V3 Pod
- Dance of Doom
- Dark Heart of the Forest
- Dark Memento
- Dark Queen Gloriana
- Dead Man’s Chest
- Deep Priest Glebe
- Deimos Burst
- Deipno Spymaster
- Delta P
- Demonic Shelf
- Designer Crick
- Destructive Analysis
- Destructive Analysis (Elders)
- Deusillus
- Diplo-Macy
- Disruption Field
- Doctor Driscoll
- Dodger’s 10
- Doom Sigil
- Dr. Verokter
- Drawn Down
- Dredging Druid
- Dry the River
- Duma the Martyr
- Dysania
- Early Birds
- Earthbind
- Easy Marks
- Eater of the Dead
- Eclectic Ambrosius
- Edict of Nerotaurus
- Effigy of Melerukh
- Ekwirrĕ’s Fulcrum
- Eldest Batchminder
- Eldest Bear
- Election
- Elenya the Charming
- Elite Disruptzord
- Elite Disruptzord (Elders)
- Embelish Imp
- Empathic Malice
- Empyrean Charge
- Encounter Suit
- Endless Hordes
- Enlist Numeri
- Ensign El-Samra
- Entropic Manipulator
- Entropic Manipulator (Ironyx Rebels)
- Entropic Swirl
- Envoy of Ekwirrĕ
- Epic Quest
- Eruption
- Etan’s Jar
- Eunoia
- Evasion Sigil
- Exchange Officer
- Exploratory Craft
- Extinction
- Extinction (Elders)
- Extrematode Infection
- Eye of Judgment
- Eye of Judgment (Redemption)