
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
Earthbind • Untamed • Upgrade • Rare • This creature cannot be used unless its controller has discarded a card this turn. • Artist: Marc Escachx • Card Number: AoA:352, MM:398, GR:336
This creature cannot be used unless its controller has discarded a card this turn.
AoA 352
MM 398
GR 336
Artist: Marc Escachx

Official Rulings

  • No. Unless otherwise stated by the ability, text referring to a player discarding a card means a card that is discarded from their hand. Earthbind’s condition is not met by discarding a card from play (such as with a sacrifice effect) or discarding a card from the top of your deck, such as with Sound the Horns (COTA 015). The condition would be met by an effect like Yurk’s (AOA 068) that instructs its controller to discard from your hand.

    Source: Rulebook
My opponent played Earthbind (COTA 352) on one of my creatures last turn. The rules for sacrifice say I discard a creature from play. Would this satisfy the discard requirement for Earthbind?
No. Unless otherwise stated by the ability, text referring to a player discarding a card means a card that is discarded from their hand. Earthbind’s condition is not met by discarding a card from play (such as with a sacrifice effect) or discarding a card from the top of your deck, such as with Sound the Horns (COTA 015). The condition would be met by an effect like Yurk’s (AOA 068) that instructs its controller to discard from your hand.

Source: Rulebook