Banner of Battle

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Banner of Battle
Banner of Battle • Brobnar • Artifact • Rare • Each friendly creature gets +1 power. • Artist: Caravan Studio • Card Number: CotA:020, WoE:003, VM2023:002, VM2024:002
Banner of Battle
Each friendly creature gets +1 power.
CotA 020
WoE 003
VM2023 002
VM2024 002

Official Rulings

  • Yes, you can resolve the effect of Poltergeist on any artifact in play even if the artifact cannot be used. You just resolve as much of the card effect as you can and to resolve this situation you just destroy the artifact.

    Source: Rulebook
My opponent has a Banner of Battle (CoTA 020) in play. Can I play the card Poltergeist (CoTA 069) to destroy the Banner of Battle, even if the artifact can’t be used?
Yes, you can resolve the effect of Poltergeist on any artifact in play even if the artifact cannot be used. You just resolve as much of the card effect as you can and to resolve this situation you just destroy the artifact.

Source: Rulebook