Encounter Suit

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Encounter Suit
Encounter Suit • Star Alliance • Upgrade • Rare • After an action card is played, but before resolving its play effect, ward this creature. • Artist: Hendry Iwanaga • Card Number: WC:330, MM:339, DT:264, VM2023:281, VM2024:228
Encounter Suit
Just because this sector’s air is breathable, it doesn’t mean the next one’s will be.
WC 330
MM 339
DT 264
VM2023 281
VM2024 228

Official Rulings

  • No. Encounter Suit resolves after an action card is played, “but before resolving its play effect”. Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” effect has already begun resolving, so Encounter Suit’s ability will not resolve.

    Source: Rulebook
On my turn, I play Wild Wormhole (COTA 125), and in resolving its “Play:” ability, play Encounter Suit (WC 330), attaching it to a creature in my battleline. Can Encounter Suit’s ability resolve and ward the creature?
No. Encounter Suit resolves after an action card is played, “but before resolving its play effect”. Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” effect has already begun resolving, so Encounter Suit’s ability will not resolve.

Source: Rulebook
  • Encounter Suit's ability occurs after an action card is played and its Æmber bonus is resolved, at the same timing point as other effects that occur "after" an action card is played. However, the active player must resolve Encounter Suit's effect before resolving the "Play:" effect on that action card.

    Source: Rulebook
When does the ability of the Encounter Suit (WC 330) resolve?
Encounter Suit's ability occurs after an action card is played and its Æmber bonus is resolved, at the same timing point as other effects that occur "after" an action card is played. However, the active player must resolve Encounter Suit's effect before resolving the "Play:" effect on that action card.

Source: Rulebook


FFG has acknowledged that this FAQ should be updated to read: "Encounter Suit's ability occurs after an action card is played and its bonus icons are resolved, at the same timing point as other effects that occur "after" an action card is played. However, the active player must trigger Encounter Suit's effect before triggering the "Play:" effect on that action card.
