Deusillus • Saurian • Creature • Rare • (Play only with the other half of Deusillus.)Play: Capture all of your opponent’s
. Deal 5
to an enemy creature.
After Fight/After Reap: Move 1
from Deusillus to the common supply. Deal 2
to each enemy creature. • Artist: Caio Monteiro • Card Number: MM:244, MoMu:197
Play: Capture all of your opponent’s . Deal 5
to an enemy creature.
After Fight/After Reap: Move 1 from Deusillus to the common supply. Deal 2
to each enemy creature.
Outstanding Issues
Arcana Advises: A card that will allow you to play a single creature from your hand such as Helper Bot, or Subject Kirby will successfully play a Gigantic creature if both halves of the Gigantic creature are within your hand. However, Exhume's ability is targeting a single card in the discard pile and would therefore fail.
For more information about Arcana Advises and Outstanding Issues, click here.
Related Cards
Deusillus always appears in a deck with:
A gigantic creature counts as 2 cards while out of play, but as a single creature card while in play. Playing a gigantic creature only counts as playing 1 card, and therefore it is allowed on the first turn. After a gigantic creature leaves play, the 2 halves are treated as separate cards again.
Both halves of a gigantic creature have the same title, house, and card type. Otherwise, each half has the attributes printed on it: the top half has bonus icons, while the bottom half has power, armor, and the text box (including traits).
If a card instructing the active player to play or put into play a creature chooses one half of a gigantic creature, that effect will fail.