Crash Muldoon

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Crash Muldoon
Crash Muldoon • Star Alliance • Creature • Rare • Deploy.  

Crash Muldoon enters play ready.

Action: Use a neighboring non-Star Alliance creature. • Artist: Matthew Mizak • Card Number: WC:327, DT:261, WoE:291, VM2023:280, VM2024:227

Crash Muldoon

Crash Muldoon enters play ready.

Action: Use a neighboring non-Star Alliance creature.

WC 327
DT 261
WoE 291
VM2023 280
VM2024 227

Official Rulings

  • Yes to both. Mimic Gel enters play as a copy of the chosen card, and both Deploy and Crash Muldoon’s “enters play ready” ability take effect as the card enters play, so Mimic Gel will also copy these effects.

    Source: Rulebook
If I play Mimic Gel copying a Crash Muldoon (WC 327) will Mimic Gel enter play ready, and can I use the Deploy ability to have Mimic Gel enter play anywhere in my battleline?
Yes to both. Mimic Gel enters play as a copy of the chosen card, and both Deploy and Crash Muldoon’s “enters play ready” ability take effect as the card enters play, so Mimic Gel will also copy these effects.

Source: Rulebook

Related Cards

Crash Muldoon is featured in the flavor text of the following cards: