
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
Autocannon • Brobnar • Artifact • Rare • After a creature enters play, deal 1Damage icon to it. • Artist: Mo Mukhtar • Card Number: CotA:019, WoE:002, VM2023:001, VM2024:001
After a creature enters play, deal 1Damage icon to it.
CotA 019
WoE 002
VM2023 001
VM2024 001
Artist: Mo Mukhtar

Official Rulings

  • No. Omega’s lasting effect is established as Duskwitch enters play, meaning the active player cannot play, use, or discard any more cards for the remainder of the step except through the resolution of pending abilities and effects.

    The resolution of Autocannon’s ability in the “after a card is played” window will result in Duskwitch being destroyed, but the lasting effect from Omega is already established and the step will still end once pending abilities and effects complete their resolution.

    Source: Rulebook
My opponent has Autocannon (COTA 019) in play and I play Duskwitch (AOA 320). Can I resolve the effects in such a way that Duskwitch’s Omega keyword does not resolve??
No. Omega’s lasting effect is established as Duskwitch enters play, meaning the active player cannot play, use, or discard any more cards for the remainder of the step except through the resolution of pending abilities and effects.

The resolution of Autocannon’s ability in the “after a card is played” window will result in Duskwitch being destroyed, but the lasting effect from Omega is already established and the step will still end once pending abilities and effects complete their resolution.

Source: Rulebook


The ability of Autocannon takes place in the same timing window as Play: abilities and other "After Play" or "After Enters Play" effects. If a creature with a Play: ability is destroyed by the damage from Autocannon before the resolution of the creature's Play: ability, the creature's Play: ability will not resolve.