Collar of Subordination

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Collar of Subordination
Collar of Subordination • Dis • Upgrade • Rare • You control this creature. • Artist: Bogdan Tauciuc • Card Number: CotA:105, AoA:089, WC:102, VM2023:055, VM2024:055
Collar of Subordination
You control this creature.
CotA 105
AoA 089
WC 102
VM2023 055
VM2024 055

Official Rulings

  • Hypnobeam’s lasting effect acts as a constant ability while it is in effect. As it is the most recently played effect, it takes precedence and the creature will remain under your control.

    Source: Rulebook
My opponent plays Collar of Subordination (COTA 105) to take control of a creature in my battleline. On my turn, I play Hypnobeam (AOA 101) to take control of the creature back. How do these two control effects resolve?
Hypnobeam’s lasting effect acts as a constant ability while it is in effect. As it is the most recently played effect, it takes precedence and the creature will remain under your control.

Source: Rulebook


Collar of Subordination's effect is active as long as it is in play. If it leaves play, the effect created by Collar of Subordination's ability expires and control of the creature Collar of Subordination was attached to reverts to its previous controller.

Source: ControlAbility