Bad Penny

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Bad Penny
Bad Penny • Shadows • Creature • Common • Destroyed: Return Bad Penny to your hand. • Artist: Nasrul Hakim • Card Number: CotA:296, AoA:267, WC:236, VM2024:208
Bad Penny
Destroyed: Return Bad Penny to your hand.
A Bad Penny saved is a Bad Penny earned.
CotA 296
AoA 267
WC 236
VM2024 208
Artist: Nasrul Hakim

Official Rulings

  • The Bad Penny goes back to your hand. Destroyed: effects happen immediately before a creature is destroyed, meaning that Bad Penny is back in its owner’s hand before the Yxilo Bolter can try to purge it with its reap effect. At that point, any pending effects waiting to resolve on Bad Penny no longer do. This is because Bad Penny is moving to an out-of-play zone in which the identity of cards is hidden from the opponent.

    Source: Rulebook
On my opponent’s turn they use their Yxilo Bolter (CoTA 204) to reap and choose to resolve its reap effect on my Bad Penny (CoTA 296). Is the Bad Penny purged or does it end up back in my hand?
The Bad Penny goes back to your hand. Destroyed: effects happen immediately before a creature is destroyed, meaning that Bad Penny is back in its owner’s hand before the Yxilo Bolter can try to purge it with its reap effect. At that point, any pending effects waiting to resolve on Bad Penny no longer do. This is because Bad Penny is moving to an out-of-play zone in which the identity of cards is hidden from the opponent.

Source: Rulebook
  • Yes. Cards still count as being destroyed even if their “Destroyed:” effect moves them out of play.

    Note from the Arcanists: In the rulebook, the question and answer don't quite seem to match up. The original text of the question is below.

    If I have out a Tolas (CoTA 103) when my Bad Penny (CoTA 296) is destroyed, do I gain Æmber even if Bad Penny goes to my hand instead of my discard pile?

    Source: Rulebook
If I have Tolas (CoTA 103) in my battleline and destroy my opponent's Bad Penny (CoTA 296), do I gain Æmber even if Bad Penny goes to my opponent's hand instead of their discard pile?
Yes. Cards still count as being destroyed even if their “Destroyed:” effect moves them out of play.

Note from the Arcanists: In the rulebook, the question and answer don't quite seem to match up. The original text of the question is below.

If I have out a Tolas (CoTA 103) when my Bad Penny (CoTA 296) is destroyed, do I gain Æmber even if Bad Penny goes to my hand instead of my discard pile?

Source: Rulebook


If a card with a Destroyed: ability is directly purged, that Destroyed: ability will not resolve. For example, Oubliette is one of the few ways to cause a Bad Penny to leave play without it returning to its owner's hand.

Related Cards

Bad Penny is featured in the flavor text of the following cards: