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Tolas • Dis • Creature • Rare • Elusive. (The first time this creature is attacked each turn, no damage is dealt.)Each time a creature is destroyed, its opponent gains 1
. • Artist: Caravan Studio • Card Number: CotA:103, AoA:106
Official Rulings
No. Tolas has a constant ability that is active only while it is in play. Because Tolas is not in play at the time it is destroyed, its constant ability will not resolve.Source: Rulebook
If I fight and destroy my opponent's Tolas (CotA 103) with Overlord Greking (CotA 087), after putting Tolas into play under my control, will Tolas's ability resolve?
No. Tolas has a constant ability that is active only while it is in play. Because Tolas is not in play at the time it is destroyed, its constant ability will not resolve.
Source: Rulebook
Yes. Even though Bad Penny is returned to a different out-of-play zone before it can go to the discard pile, it is still considered to have been "destroyed" for the purposes of card effects.Source: Rulebook
If I have Tolas (CoTA 103) in my battleline and I use another creature to fight and destroy my opponent's Bad Penny (CoTA 296). Bad Penny’s “Destroyed:” ability returns Bad Penny to my opponent’s hand. Do I still gain 1
through the resolution of Tolas’ ability?

Yes. Even though Bad Penny is returned to a different out-of-play zone before it can go to the discard pile, it is still considered to have been "destroyed" for the purposes of card effects.
Source: Rulebook
No. Tolas’ ability does not trigger until cards are actually put into discard piles, at which point Tolas is already destroyed.Source: Rulebook
If a card like Gateway to Dis (CoTA 59) destroys multiple creatures and Tolas (CoTA 103) is one of those creatures, does anyone gain Æmber off of Tolas’ ability?
No. Tolas’ ability does not trigger until cards are actually put into discard piles, at which point Tolas is already destroyed.
Source: Rulebook
The cards are not considered to be "destroyed" until the cards are placed in the discard pile; a Tolas that has been upgraded with a Soulkeeper that is being destroyed won't ever earn an Æmber because Tolas and any creature Soulkeeper destroys will both be destroyed at the same time.