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The first time a creature with the elusive keyword is chosen to be fought each turn, it is dealt no pending damage and deals no pending damage to the opposing creature in the fight.

Elusive only stops pending damage that would be dealt by each creature’s power; damage dealt by keywords or other abilities still applies.

KeyForge Master Rulebook v17.4 September 2024


  • Elusive applies the first time a creature with elusive is chosen to be attacked by the active player. Even if the fight itself doesn’t happen, the creature was still chosen to be fought, so elusive will not be in effect for a future attack.

    Source: Rulebook
If I attack a creature that has both Hazardous and Elusive, and the Hazardous destroys my creature that was attacking, has Elusive been turned off, or is it still in effect for a future attack?
Elusive applies the first time a creature with elusive is chosen to be attacked by the active player. Even if the fight itself doesn’t happen, the creature was still chosen to be fought, so elusive will not be in effect for a future attack.

Source: Rulebook
  • No. Elusive applies the first time a creature with elusive is chosen to be attacked by the active player.

    Source: Rulebook
I attack my Opponent's Culf the Quiet with a Niffle Ape, ignoring the Elusive and dealing 3 damage and destroying the Niffle Ape. If I attack Culf the Quiet again with another creature, will Elusive prevent damage for that second fight?
No. Elusive applies the first time a creature with elusive is chosen to be attacked by the active player.

Source: Rulebook
  • Yes. The elusive keyword resolves while setting the pending damage during a fight (damage exchanged via the creature’s power), which is after the “Before Fight:” ability of Siren Horn resolves.

    Source: Rulebook
In my battleline I have a creature that has been upgraded with Siren Horn (MM 212) and has 1Aember icon on it. My opponent has Boss Zarek (MM 264) and another creature in their battleline. I use my upgraded creature to fight my opponent’s non-elusive creature. I resolve the “Before Fight:” ability granted by Siren Horn and move the 1Aember icon to my opponent’s creature. Does the creature gain elusive from Boss Zarek’s ability in time for it to prevent the damage of the fight?
Yes. The elusive keyword resolves while setting the pending damage during a fight (damage exchanged via the creature’s power), which is after the “Before Fight:” ability of Siren Horn resolves.

Source: Rulebook