Awakened Titan

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Awakened Titan
Awakened Titan • Brobnar • Creature • Uncommon • Enhance Discard bonus iconDiscard bonus iconDiscard bonus icon. 


Awakened Titan cannot ready unless you are haunted. • Artist: Scott Schomburg • Card Number: MN2024:026, GR:021

Awakened Titan
Enhance Discard bonus iconDiscard bonus iconDiscard bonus icon.


Awakened Titan cannot ready unless you are haunted.

MN2024 026
GR 021

Official Rulings

  • Yes. Awakened Titan would enter play ready. Abilities that modify how a card enters play resolve as the card is entering play, so Awakened Titan would enter play ready and could be used during your current Brobnar turn.

    Source: Rulebook
I am not haunted. On my turn, I call Brobnar and play Beanstalk (GR 002). If I play Awakened Titan (GR 021), will Awakened Titan be ready?
Yes. Awakened Titan would enter play ready. Abilities that modify how a card enters play resolve as the card is entering play, so Awakened Titan would enter play ready and could be used during your current Brobnar turn.

Source: Rulebook