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Silvertooth • Shadows • Creature • Common • Silvertooth enters play ready. • Artist: Sasha Tudvaseva • Card Number: CotA:311
Silvertooth enters play ready.
If you see teeth gleaming in the dark, it’s already too late.
CotA 311

Official Rulings

  • Yes. Shadow of Dis only affects creatures while they are in play. Silvertooth’s ability modifies how it enters play, so it is in effect before the Shadow of Dis effect applies to it.

    Source: Rulebook
My opponent plays Shadow of Dis (AoA 103), forcing me to treat my creatures’ text boxes as if they were blank until their next turn. I play Silvertooth (CoTA 311). Does Silvertooth enter play ready?
Yes. Shadow of Dis only affects creatures while they are in play. Silvertooth’s ability modifies how it enters play, so it is in effect before the Shadow of Dis effect applies to it.

Source: Rulebook