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Explo-rover • Star Alliance • Creature • Common • Skirmish. (When you use this creature to fight, it is dealt no damage in return.) 

Explo-rover may be played as an upgrade instead of a creature, with the text: “This creature gains skirmish.” • Artist: Colin Searle • Card Number: WC:297, MM:307, VM2023:313, VM2024:261

WC 297
MM 307
VM2023 313
VM2024 261
Artist: Colin Searle

Official Rulings

  • You can play Explo-rover as either an upgrade or a creature with Exhume. When Exhume specifies “creature” in your discard pile, this is a play restriction on which card in your discard pile you can choose, but not a requirement that that card must remain a creature as you play it.

    Source: Rulebook
If I play Exhume (AoA 059) and choose an Explo-rover (WC 297) in my discard pile, can I play it as an upgrade, or must I play it as a creature?
You can play Explo-rover as either an upgrade or a creature with Exhume. When Exhume specifies “creature” in your discard pile, this is a play restriction on which card in your discard pile you can choose, but not a requirement that that card must remain a creature as you play it.

Source: Rulebook
  • Yes to all three. Explo-rover’s ability allows it to be played as an upgrade anytime an upgrade could be played.

    Source: Rulebook
Can I play Explo-rover (WC 297) as an upgrade if my opponent sacrificed Lifeward (COTA 077) on a previous turn?

If I have Matter Maker (MM 349) in play, can I play Explo-rover (WC 297) as an upgrade when Star Alliance is not my active house?

If my opponent has Kaupe (DT 341) in play, and I've already played a creature, can I still play Explo-rover (WC 297) as an upgrade?

Yes to all three. Explo-rover’s ability allows it to be played as an upgrade anytime an upgrade could be played.

Source: Rulebook
  • No. Explo-rover is a creature when it is in any out-of-play zone, including your discard pile. Dr. Verokter‘s ability only affects upgrades and action cards in your discard pile.

    Source: Rulebook
If Explo-rover is in my discard pile, can I use Dr. Verokter‘s (DT 008) “After Reap:” ability to put Explo-rover on top of my deck?
No. Explo-rover is a creature when it is in any out-of-play zone, including your discard pile. Dr. Verokter‘s ability only affects upgrades and action cards in your discard pile.

Source: Rulebook


Quixxle Stone creates a play restriction that does not allow creatures to be played. According to the Shadow of Dis FAQ, card abilities can modify how the card itself enters play (Silvertooth's ability, for example, modifies how it enters play). Therefore, a creature with an ability that is a replacement effect that allows it to enter play as a different card type (such as Explo-rover or CALV-1N, which can be played as upgrades) can be played as that card type, even while Quixxle Stone is in play.