One Stood Against Many

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One Stood Against Many
One Stood Against Many • Sanctum • Action • Rare • Play: Ready and fight with a friendly creature 3 times, each time against a different enemy creature. Resolve these fights one at a time. • Artist: Agri Karuniawan • Card Number: CotA:223, AoA:259, MM:171, WoE:188, VM2024:129, MoMu:147
One Stood Against Many
Play: Ready and fight with a friendly creature 3 times, each time against a different enemy creature. Resolve these fights one at a time.
CotA 223
AoA 259
MM 171
WoE 188
VM2024 129
MoMu 147


When One Stood Against Many is played and there are no creatures in the opponent's battleline, the affected card is readied, but it will not fight, and the ability of One Stood against Many is considered resolved. If the creature readied by One Stood Against Many is of the Active house, it may then be used to resolve an Action:, Omni:, or Reap: ability.

Related Cards

One Stood Against Many appears in house Redemption in Tokens of Change: