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When an action card is played, the active player resolves the card’s “Play:” ability and, after resolving as much of the ability as possible, places the card in their discard pile.
Pages in category "Action"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 711 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Fair Game
- A Ghost in the Sun
- A Gift of Æmber
- A Strong Feeling
- Abandon Ship
- Aberrant Warp Event
- Aberrant Warp Event (Ironyx Rebels)
- Absolve
- Abyssal Sight
- Adult Swim
- Against All Flags
- Alaka’s Brew
- All Hands on Deck
- All Tide Up
- Allusions of Grandeur
- Ammonia Clouds
- Ancient Power
- Anger
- Ankylo Formation
- Archon’s Callback
- Arise!
- Arm the Plebeians
- Art Project
- Assert Dominance
- Auction Off
- Avenging Aura
- Avenging Aura (Redemption)
- Avid Collecting
- Axiom of Grisk
- Backup Plan
- Bad Chemistry
- Bait and Switch
- Ballcano
- Banish
- Barehanded
- Barn Razing
- Barter and Games
- Battle Fleet
- Be Our Geist
- Beach Day
- Beam of Forgetting
- Beasts’ Bane
- Befuddle
- Begone!
- Benevolent Charity
- Berserker Slam
- Beware the Ides
- Beyond All Darkness
- Big Magnet
- Big Magnet (Ironyx Rebels)
- Binate Rupture
- Binding Irons
- Biome Discovery
- Blast from the Past
- Blatant Thievery
- Blinding Light
- Blood Money
- Bomb-arang
- Boo!
- Booby Trap
- Borr Nit’s Touch
- Bouncing Deathquark
- Brain Drain
- Braindart
- Brawl In
- Break-key
- Bring Low
- Broken Intent
- Brothers in Battle
- Brutal Consequences
- Build Your Champion
- Bump in the Night
- Burn the Stockpile
- Burning Glare
- Burning Glare (Redemption)
- Bury Riches
- Cacophonous Riot
- Call of Need
- Call of the Void
- Call to Action
- Camaraderie
- Came Back Wrong
- Carpe Vinum
- Carpet Phloxem
- Catch and Release
- Cauldron Boil
- Causal Loop
- Cauterize Vitality
- Cement Shoes
- Champion’s Challenge
- Chant of Hubris
- Charge!
- Chieftain’s Brew
- Choking Ivy
- Chonk Evermore
- Circlespeak
- City-State Interest
- Clap of Thunder
- Cleansing Wave
- Clear Mind
- Clipped Wings
- Clone Home
- Clone Home (Ironyx Rebels)
- Closed-Door Negotiation
- Cognitive Assumptions
- Commandeer
- Commune
- Compliance (Elders)
- Concussive Transfer
- Connectome Transfer
- Conscription
- Consult the Bones
- Contract Execution
- Control the Weak
- Cooperative Hunting
- Corner the Market
- Corrode
- Cosmic Recompense
- Cover Operation
- Coward’s End
- Cowfyne’s Brew
- Creeping Oblivion
- Crepuscular Rays
- Crop Circles
- Cross Porpoises
- Crushing Charge
- Crushing Deep
- Crystal Surge
- Crystalline Harvest
- Cull the Weak
- Cultural Exchange
- Cup of Water
- Curiosity
- Curse of Vanity
- Cutthroat Research
- Dance of Doom
- Dark Discovery
- Dark Wave
- Data Forge
- De-escalation
- Decadence
- Deep Probe
- Deep Probe (Elders)
- Defense Initiative
- Deimos Burst
- Delta P
- Demons’ Bane
- Destroy Them All!
- Destroy Them All! (Ironyx Rebels)
- Destructive Analysis
- Destructive Analysis (Elders)
- Di-No You Didn’t!
- Diametric Charge
- Digging Up the Monster
- Dimension Door
- Dinosaurs’ Bane
- Diplo-Macy
- Dirge of the Deep
- Dive Deep
- Don’t Believe Your Eyes
- Doorstep to Heaven
- Double Doom
- Down To Size
- Dragnet
- Draining Touch
- Drawn Down
- Dredge
- Duck, Duck, Superb Duck
- Dusk Chronicles
- Early Birds
- Easy Marks
- Echoing Deathknell
- Eclectic Inquiry
- Ecstacy Siphon
- Ecto-Charge
- Ecto-Charge (Anomaly)
- Eddy of Dis
- Edge of the World
- Effervescent Principle
- EMP Blast
- Empathic Malice
- Empyrean Charge
- Endless Hordes
- Energy Vampirism
- Enlist Numeri
- Entropic Manipulator
- Entropic Manipulator (Ironyx Rebels)
- Entropic Swirl
- Epic Poem
- Equalize
- Estate Sale
- Eureka!
- Evasive Maneuvers
- Event Horizon
- Exchange Program
- Exhume
- Exile
- Exterminate! Exterminate!
- Exterminate! Exterminate! (Ironyx Rebels)