Wild Bounty

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Wild Bounty
Wild Bounty • Untamed • Action • Uncommon • Enhance Aember iconAember icon.  

Play: The next time you play a card this turn, resolve each of its bonus icons an additional time. • Artist: Tomek Larek • Card Number: MM:392, VM2023:362, VM2024:367, MoMu:413

Wild Bounty
Enhance Aember iconAember icon.

Play: The next time you play a card this turn, resolve each of its bonus icons an additional time.

MM 392
VM2023 362
VM2024 367
MoMu 413
Artist: Tomek Larek

Official Rulings

  • When resolving bonus icons “an additional time”, the resolution happens immediately after each bonus icon is resolved. In this case, the bonus icons will resolve in the following order: Æmber, Æmber, Damage, Damage, Capture, Capture.

    Source: Rulebook
If I played Wild Bounty (MM 392) and a card with an Æmber, Damage, and Capture bonus icons, in what order are the bonus icons resolved?
When resolving bonus icons “an additional time”, the resolution happens immediately after each bonus icon is resolved. In this case, the bonus icons will resolve in the following order: Æmber, Æmber, Damage, Damage, Capture, Capture.

Source: Rulebook
  • All icons. Even æmber icons that always appears on your card are considered bonus icons.

    Source: Rulebook
When I play Wild Bounty (MM392), is “bonus icons” referring to all the icons on a card, or just the icons added to that card by the enhance keyword?
All icons. Even æmber icons that always appears on your card are considered bonus icons.

Source: Rulebook