
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki

This is my sandbox. There are many like it but this one is mine.

  • Resolve the ability in the order the text is written. When the “Destroyed:” ability granted by Phoenix Heart resolves, it puts Shadow Self in its owner’s hand and then deals the damage to each creature still in play.

    Source: Rulebook
My opponent has Witch of the Eye (COTA 368) next to Shadow Self (COTA 310) upgraded with Phoenix Heart (COTA 051) in their battleline. I attack and destroy Shadow Self. Will Witch of the Eye survive due to Shadow Self taking the Phoenix Heart damage or does Shadow Self return to hand before damage from Phoenix Heart is dealt?
Resolve the ability in the order the text is written. When the “Destroyed:” ability granted by Phoenix Heart resolves, it puts Shadow Self in its owner’s hand and then deals the damage to each creature still in play.

Source: Rulebook

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<graph>Script error: No such module "Graph".</graph>

Draw probabilities

The table below represents the probability of drawing at least one copy of a card in your initial draw based on the number of copies of the specific card in your deck. For example, if I have 3 copies of Urchin in my deck, I will draw at least one copy of Urchin 48.82% of the time with a 7 card starting hand. If I mulligan hoping to get an Urchin-free hand, a copy of Urchin will still show up 43.14% of the time. Similarly, going second and hoping to use Urchin to steal an Æmber gained by the first player, if Urchin didn't show up in my initial 6 card hand, there is a 37.04% chance it will show up after the mulligan.

Copies of a Card in your deck
Starting Hand Size 1 2 3 4
7 19.44 35.56 48.82 59.68
6 16.67 30.95 43.14 53.48
5 13.89 26.19 37.04 46.58%

16 December 2020 Rulings

  • If Shadow Self's neighbor is hit by Special Delivery and Shadow Self is Destroyed, Shadow Self is not purged.
  • Dexus looks at the position of cards where they are originally played, not the state of the board after Play: abilities resolve.
  • If there is enough Æmber to forge a key including using Æmber on cards like Senator Shrix, then a key must be forged, regardless of whether or not it is in the Forge a Key step.
  • Keyforgery will be getting an errata in the next update.
  • If The Archivist is face down in a player's Archive, it has no effect. "Puts into Archive" is different from "Archive".
  • When resolving bonus icons “an additional time”, do the additional time immediately after resolving that icon. So, in this case, the second order is correct (Æmber, Æmber, Damage, Damage, Capture, Capture).
  • Auto-Encoder resolves immediately after the discard of a card.
  • Master of the Grey will prevent you from resolving bonus icons via abilities like those on Ensign El-Samra, Reclaimed by Nature, or Ultra Gravitron.
  • If you play a Maverick Fandangle with 4 or more Æmber, it enters play ready.
  • Scrivener Favian can resolve captue icons created by Amphora Captura as a steal.
  • After Reckless Rizzo uses their Action: ability, they have a lasting effect that causes them to lose elusive. New instances of the elusive keyword (from Opportunist, for example) will be lost as soon as they are gained.
  • Shadow Self's replacement effect takes the place of step 4 of dealing damage, meaning Shadow Self's Armor will not protect it from redirected damage.
  • The Pale Star is essentially saying “creatures cannot have power other than 1 and armor other than 0”.
  • You can play a card like Explo-rover as an upgrade around Lifeward.
  • Matter Maker will let you play Explo-rover as an upgrade off-house.
  • Duskwitch's Omega does not resolve when cloned by Cyber-Clone
  • Mimicry copying a Shadows card counts as resolving a Shadows card for Dark Harbinger
  • If two restrictions apply to the same card, follow the more restrictive of the two. For example, if you use Creed of Nature to apply Terrordactyl to Tantadlin, your Tantadlin would still only deal 2 damage when fighting (although it will also gain Terrordactyl’s Before Fight: ability, which deals 4 damage to each of the attacked creature’s neighbors).
  • When Jargogle is destroyed with multiple cards under it, if the active player is the controller of Jargogle, they can look at the cards beneath Jargogle and choose which one to play. If the active player is not the controller of Jargogle, they choose one of the cards under Jargogle at random and put it in its owner’s archives, then all other cards under Jargogle go to their owner’s discard pile(s).
  • The “may” in United Action is allowing you to play cards from other houses, it does not extend to the last sentence. So whether you play cards from another house or not, you cannot use cards for the rest of the turn.
  • Sneklifter’s lasting effect does not specify an ending for its duration, so it will last for the rest of the game or until that artifact leaves play. If you use Sneklifter to take control of Spangler Box then your opponent takes control of Spangler Box, and then you take control of it again, Sneklifter’s lasting effect will make Spangler Box belong to house Shadows again.
  • When a card purged by Spangler Box is moved to your archives by Universal Recycle Bin, Spangler Box loses memory of having purged that card. If Spangler Box is later destroyed, the purged card will remain in whatever zone it is currently in.
  • Hypnobeam’s Play: effect sets up a lasting effect, which is also a constant ability for its duration. When two constant abilities would both take control over a card, the most recent constant ability takes precedence. So, in the case of using Hypnobeam to take control of a creature upgraded withCollar of Subordination, the player of Hypnobeam will retain control of your creature despite Collar of Subordination, until that creature leaves play or your opponent plays another effect to take control of it.
  • If there is 10 or more Æmber total in all players’ pools when you play Crassosaurus, you must capture 10 Æmber onto Crassosaurus.
  • Symon is an Alien, Elf is a misprinted trait.
  • If Ghosthawk is played outside of Step 3, it's neighbors may still reap.
  • Relentless Assault instructs you to resolve the fights one at a time; resolve the first fight before you must decide whether or not do the second fight, and you resolve the second before you must decide whether or not to do the third.
  • The “play or use” text on Mars Ambassador means you have to choose to either play or use that card, not both.
  • Multiple Scowly Capers resolve in the order of the active player's choosing.
  • Helper Bot grants you permission to play one non-Logos card at any point on your turn. The first time you play a non-Logos card, that permission is used up. This includes playing a card from the Active House, if the Active House is not Logos.
  • If you play Duskwitch when Autocannon is in play Autocannon will destroy Duskwitch, and the Omega keyword will still apply. Playing Duskwitch causes Omega to trigger, and that ability will finish resolving even if the creature is destroyed immediately upon entering play.
  • Jargogle’s Destroyed: ability will fully resolve before Omega causes the step to end, allowing you to play the card underneath of Jargogle, and even allowing you to play another card via something like Wild Wormhole. If you play a creature this way, it will survive, as all creatures were already tagged for destruction by Unlocked Gateway.

Commentary Drafts

  • Anger/Bumpsy:

When a stunned creature is used to "ready and fight", the creature exhasts, and the stun token is removed; no fight takes place. When a creature is used to ready and fight and there are no enemy creatures in play, the creature is readied, but the fight portion of the ability does not resolve. The creature remains ready, and if it is of the active house may be used in the manner of the Active Player's choice (reap, action, etc.).

  • Bad Penny/Bolter/Tolas:

When a card is tagged for destruction, Destroyed: abilities trigger in the order of the active players choosing. Once all Destroyed: abilites have been resolved, all cards are destroyed and placed into the discard pile simultaneously in the order of the Active Player's choosing. If a Destroyed: ability moves a card to another out-of-play zone, the card is still considered to be destroyed for the purposes of card effects.

  • Bait and Switch:

If card text instructs players to repeat a preceding effect, the entirety of the effect before the text providing the instruction to repeat resolves again.

  • Banner of Battle/Poltergeist:

Artifacts can only be used by Action: or Omni: abilities. If a card effect tries to use an artifact with a constant ability, the use portion of that card effect is ignored and the rest of the ability resolves.

  • Chains

No clarifications needed?

  • Combat Pheromones

This FAQ might be too specific to expand. No clarifications needed?

  • Dimension Door/Sir Marrows

Replacement effects?

  • Duma the Martyr/Poison Wave

Once a creature has been tagged for destruction, the only thing that can remove this tag is a replacement effect that uses the word “instead” and replaces the destruction of that creature. An effect that heals a tagged creature does not remove the destroyed tag.

  • Duskwitch

Omega is treated as an "after play" effect in regards to the Timing Chart.

  • Dysania/Sample Collection

A lasting effect persists even if the card that created the effect leaves play.

  • Encounter Suit

No clarifications needed.

  • Eureka!

Alpha cards can only be played if you haven’t played, used, or discarded any other cards during the current step. Copying an Alpha card is allowed only if the Alpha play restriction can be followed.

  • Faygin

When a card leaves play it is always put into its owner’s appropriate out-of-play zone, unless a card effect explicitly states that it interacts with that zone.

  • Foggify

No clarifications needed.

  • Forgemaster Og/Interdimensional Graft/Library Access/Wild Wormhole

When two or more effects occur at the same time step on the Timing Chart, the order in which those effects resolve is determined by the active player.

  • Gabos Longarms

The elusive keyword prevents damage only when a creature is attacked, damage from other effects is not prevented.

  • Gateway to Dis/Tolas

When a card effect destroys multiple creatures and one or more of the destroyed creatures has an "After a creature is destroyed" ability, those abilities will not trigger, as all of the destroyed creatures leave play simultaneously.

  • Glimmer
Alpha is a play restriction that is active while in your hand before playing the card.
  • Grasping Vines/Spangler/Kelifi Dragon/Scowly Caper

If an ability “puts” a card “into play,” “Play:” abilities on the card do not resolve. Abilities that effect how a card "enters play" to resolve.

  • Hallowed Shield/Maruk the Marked/Raiding Knight/Shadow Self

Damage timing - no commentary needed.

  • Jargogle

Specific to Jargogle, no further clarification needed.

  • Key Hammer/Positron Bolt

If an ability says "a" and there are multiple options, the Active Player chooses the option.

  • King of the Crag/Looter Goblin

A zero power creature with zero damage on it is destroyed.

  • King of the Crag/Pingle

A constant ability affecting all creatures in play will resolve before a play ability. (Constant abilities resolve as soon as their condition is met, not necessarily at the next available timing window.)

  • Little Niff/Ronnie Wristclocks

A creature does not have to survive a fight to trigger another creature's "After a creature is used to fight" effect.

  • Lost in the Woods

Resolve as much as you can. Do we need to clarify this?

  • Nerve Blast

No clarification needed.

  • Neutron Shark

When a card is removed from play, its ability can no longer be triggered.

  • Nexus/Spectral Tunneller

If resolving an ability results in the triggering of another ability, that ability will resolve in the existing window created by the originally triggered ability.

  • Opal Knight/Soulkeeper

Players cannot choose to sacrifice or destroy a creature that is already tagged for destruction. However, a card effect may re-target a creature that has already been tagged for destruction.

  • Pitlord

No clarification needed.

  • Replicator/Sequis/Shard of Greed

When copying abilities, unless the ability allows a change in control, creatures may not move from one battleline to the other. Abilities that allow you to trigger a card's ability "as if you controlled it" do not allow for a change of control.

  • Restringuntus

If two card effects are simultaneously instructing a player that they “cannot” do something and that they “must” or “may” do the same thing, the “cannot” effect takes precedence.

  • Sack of Coins

"For each" is essentially a finite loop of triggered abilities. The effect is repeated the number of times the for each condition is met.

  • Silvertooth

Abilities that effect how a card enters play happen before "after play" and "after enters play" effects.

  • Smaash

All abilities that are triggered must resolve.

  • Stealer of Souls/Valdr

The attacking creature must survive to trigger Fight: abilities

  • Wild Wormhole

A card that is unplayable returns to the out of play zone from which it came. If that zone no longer exists, the unplayable card is discarded.