Legacy Maverick

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A legacy maverick card along with its corresponding Archon card
A legacy maverick Library Access in Mass Mutation (Italian language). Note that the card text has been updated to include the Library Access errata.

A legacy maverick is a card that is both a legacy and a maverick. It normally belongs to a different house from a previous set and is indicated by the symbols Maverick iconLegacy icon. Each legacy maverick card features the maverick symbol in the top right corner and has the original set icon at the bottom highlighted in orange. These cards are exceptionally rare, occurring at approximately a rate of 1 in 11,000 Age of Ascension decks and 1 in 12,000 Worlds Collide decks.

The set Mass Mutation features the card Exchange Officer, which can exchange with a legacy card to form a legacy maverick. An example of such a deck is Zynisli, Shanty Commander. For this reason, legacy mavericks in Mass Mutation are more common than they are in previous sets, and a large proportion of them appear in Star Alliance.

Age of Ascension Legacy Mavericks

Deck Name Legacy Maverick Mavericked House
“Biba”, Eremita di Ocarinadifficile Sanctum icon Raiding Knight Brobnar
“Zanna”, Colei Che Anticipa la Gioia Untamed icon Cooperative Hunting Logos
Anciana de Vaux Logos icon Psychic Bug Mars
Bojaźliwa Hegemonka Dis icon Hand of Dis Untamed
Charlatán Jones Brobnar icon Firespitter Untamed
Commandante “Vipère” O'Toole Sanctum icon Sergeant Zakiel Dis
Deirdre “Sfinge”, Leader della Loggia Brobnar icon Grenade Snib Untamed
Diana Evans, Ribelle di Gelsofalsato Mars icon Ulyq Megamouth Untamed
Dishonorable Carprawn, the Awful Sorcerer Dis icon The Terror Shadows
Emerald “Rover” Aquilan
Dis icon Pit Demon Logos
Enlightened Dawn of the Arena
Brobnar icon Lomir Flamefist Logos
Eryka, Theater Governor
Logos icon Phase Shift Dis
Françoise “Taloche” la vagabonde
Mars icon Grabber Jammer Dis
Gendo Trueneck from the Mayor's Chamber Logos icon Phase Shift Mars
Grantham the Curiously Competitive
Sanctum icon Champion Anaphiel Shadows
Groteskowy Aki z Supernowej
Untamed icon Briar Grubbling Brobnar
Havilah J. la Lanosa Sanctum icon Champion Anaphiel Shadows
I. Wadsworth, égorgeuse de Huxwarren Brobnar icon Mighty Javelin Shadows
Jeeves el Temible Sanctum icon Inspiration Mars
Kia Kywoonpy from the Counselor's Dome Untamed icon Lost in the Woods Mars
Knutson of Hammerweald Sanctum icon Commander Remiel Shadows
L. Cooke, Convicto da Lua do Brilho Mars icon Ammonia Clouds Untamed
Leaden “No Mercy” Cyril Untamed icon Cooperative Hunting Mars
Ltc. Maximsaffron Camurius Untamed icon Cooperative Hunting Dis
Maximus, Visconde do Casebre Instruído Logos icon Mobius Scroll Brobnar
Moriarty of Saraquerel Lot Brobnar icon Valdr Logos
Otto “Ziggy”, Lottatore del Petalo Logos icon Novu Archaeologist Mars
Outfold, the Duchess Drone Brobnar icon Follow the Leader Shadows
Qhoorhdrop, the Head of the Bridge Shadows icon Relentless Whispers Brobnar
R. van Diemen, the Preserve Artist Brobnar icon Anger Sanctum
Sébastien Quinn, rôdeur de Semeparva Logos icon Neuro Syphon Mars
Silas el Voraz de la Muralla Dis icon Succubus Mars
Skeptikerin E. Crimson Shadows icon Poison Wave Logos
Solveig “Mona”, la Amarilla Dis icon Annihilation Ritual Logos
The Citizen who Deftly Finds Fate Dis icon Tendrils of Pain Mars
The One that Adds to Plutonium Shadows icon Urchin Untamed
The Sadness that Ruins Memory Sanctum icon Lady Maxena Logos
The Song that Sadly Votes for Betrayal Dis icon Gabos Longarms Logos
The Zealot who Leads Kings Brobnar icon Lomir Flamefist Mars
U. Zhao, Tullibush's Inscrutable Overseer Sanctum icon Sergeant Zakiel Brobnar
Xalph, Druid of the Irrelevant Growth Logos icon Doc Bookton Untamed
Xe that Dismissively Prepares Etymology Untamed icon Vigor Logos
市集女皇莎薇琪 Shadows icon Poison Wave Brobnar
快捷的者潘德拉貢 Mars icon Phosphorus Stars Dis
駐紮地粉碎者瑟拉菲娜 Logos icon Effervescent Principle Shadows
“靈體沙皇”德克蘭·努爾 Logos icon Skippy Timehog Untamed

Worlds Collide Legacy Mavericks

Deck Name Legacy Maverick Mavericked House
Angler Veronica Elderet Sanctum icon Barrister Joya Brobnar
Ara, Spearcheth Stonemason Untamed icon Dharna Brobnar
Azariah “Yeti”, Mentore del Saloon Logos icon Archimedes Shadows
Chefe “Prateado” Cordas Untamed icon Way of the Porcupine Star Alliance
Die furchtlose Ottilie aus Utopia Untamed icon Persistence Hunting Star Alliance
Discohunt Zelium-Crowley, Heretic Logos icon Dr. Escotera Untamed
Frothing Pan of the Tower Brobnar icon Headhunter Shadows
H. Gorgias, Praefectus of the Ochre River Sanctum icon Eye of Judgment Brobnar
Homer il Timido, Segugio della Terra Sanctum icon Bordan the Redeemed Dis
Katia la chauve, mécaniste du péril Sanctum icon Shoulder Armor Logos
Lawdweller, the “Jeweler” of The Demon Mars icon Biomatrix Backup Untamed
Morgenstern of Priorpath Manse Dis icon Snudge Logos
Nicolaus R. Clawswine, the Eighth Untamed icon Ancient Bear Logos
Prince “Flatscan” Bianchi Mars icon Ether Spider Brobnar
Quentin Fanys from the Warboss’s Street Dis icon The Terror Shadows
Radioaktywna Zdzisława „Podpałka” Logos icon Effervescent Principle Saurian
The Trader that Abhors Resistance Dis icon Dust Imp Shadows
Ulrich „Das elende Monster“ Brobnar icon Loot the Bodies Saurian
Wargdirt, City Governor Logos icon Ganymede Archivist Shadows
廣場間諜¶悉帕 Sanctum icon Protect the Weak Brobnar
来自溪谷的¶欧罗拉·沃夫 Mars icon Squawker Logos
“雨神宗師”¶索爾比約格·裡貝羅 Sanctum icon Hallowed Shield Logos
“鼬鼠夫人”¶澤德·海克斯 Untamed icon Murmook Dis
營地顧問¶奎比拉 Dis icon Unlocked Gateway Saurian
店家領導者,​米特貝希爾 Sanctum icon The Spirit’s Way Brobnar
渴求的托雷斯 Dis icon Shaffles Untamed
นักกฎหมายไทฟูน Shadows icon Furtive Investors Brobnar
เออร์ซูลาหัวล้านแห่งหินผาใหญ่ Untamed icon Persistence Hunting Dis

Mass Mutation Legacy Mavericks

Deck Name Legacy Maverick Mavericked House
A. C. Che Fugge con il Sonno della Scalinata Star Alliance icon Exchange Officer Shadows
Argandea la Ribelle, Segugio della Capanna Logos icon Hapsis Star Alliance
Cambiafin, the Rioter of The Void Sanctum icon Aubade the Grim Star Alliance
Dozelanche, Spawn of Diaanic Brobnar icon Loot the Bodies Saurian
Impfork Kron-Tournebut, Hooligan Untamed icon Harmonia Star Alliance
Lazgar, the “Viking” of The Depths Brobnar icon Loot the Bodies Logos
Li, Gräfin der Ungehobeltheit Untamed icon Fanghouse Shadows
López the Sly Logos icon Ganymede Archivist Untamed
Makoto, Baron of the Abominable Marsh Saurian icon Odoac the Patrician Star Alliance
O. Molina, la Pulizia Che Rallegra la Valle Logos icon Library Access Dis
Oviflower, The Storm who Pesters the Lair Star Alliance icon First Officer Frane Saurian
Salt R. Railront, the Variable Brobnar icon Gron Nine-Toes Shadows
Scheming “Meatball” Wandera Untamed icon Dharna Sanctum
Stonex of the Platinum Sentinel’s Vault Mars icon Tyxl Beambuckler Shadows
The Critic that Defines Brambles Shadows icon Bait and Switch Sanctum
They that Builds up Barracks Sanctum icon Raiding Knight Star Alliance
Veicate of the Phony’s Outlands Mars icon Squawker Dis
Worthington of Caray Dis icon Buzzle Star Alliance
Whisperscourge, the Moldy Wall Wanderer Logos icon Pocket Universe Shadows
X. Steele, cartomancienne de Georgestep Logos icon Dr. Milli Shadows
Zynisli, Shanty Commander Shadows icon Hugger-Mugger Star Alliance
墓場神官​傑迪戴亞 Logos icon Titan Librarian Sanctum
被拒絕的探索者 Saurian icon Paraguardian Star Alliance
愛冒險的神官 Untamed icon Way of the Bear Saurian
“传送门伯爵”​奥菲利亚·阿贝尔 Sanctum icon Aubade the Grim Star Alliance
酆国琴师路之玉 Brobnar icon Forgemaster Og Star Alliance

Dark Tidings Legacy Mavericks