
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
Valdr • Brobnar • Creature • Common • Valdr deals +2Damage icon while attacking an enemy creature on the flank. • Artist: Caio Monteiro • Card Number: CotA:029
Valdr deals +2Damage icon while attacking an enemy creature on the flank.
“Gather that Æmber! And you’re welcome.”
CotA 029

Official Rulings

  • No, the Stealer of Souls’ ability will not trigger. In order for the Stealer of Souls ability to trigger it must be in play, so if both the Stealer of Souls and the creature it is fighting die, they die simultaneously and the Stealer of Souls ability cannot trigger (see “Destroyed” on Page 10).

    Source: Rulebook
I have a Stealer of Souls (CoTA 098) in play and my opponent has a Valdr (CoTA 029). I use my Stealer of Souls to fight Valdr and both creatures are destroyed. Does the Stealer of Souls’ ability trigger?
No, the Stealer of Souls’ ability will not trigger. In order for the Stealer of Souls ability to trigger it must be in play, so if both the Stealer of Souls and the creature it is fighting die, they die simultaneously and the Stealer of Souls ability cannot trigger (see “Destroyed” on Page 10).

Source: Rulebook

Related Cards

Valdr is featured in the flavor text of the following cards: