Phase Shift

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Phase Shift
Phase Shift • Logos • Action • Common • Play: You may play a non-Logos card this turn. • Artist: Konstantin Turovec • Card Number: CotA:117, DT:057, VM2023:157
Phase Shift
CotA 117
DT 057
VM2023 157

Official Rulings

  • Playing Phase Shift will allow you to play another card from your hand this turn, since the First Turn Rule can be modified by card effects.

    Source: Rulebook
Its the first turn of the game and I am going first. I choose house Logos to be the active house and play the card Phase Shift (CoTA 117). Does this allow me to play another card this turn even though the First Turn Rule is in effect?
Playing Phase Shift will allow you to play another card from your hand this turn, since the First Turn Rule can be modified by card effects.

Source: Rulebook
  • You can play two non-Logos cards this turn. Each copy of Phase Shift that you play allows you to play an additional non-Logos card.

    Source: Rulebook
I have chosen house Logos to be my active house this turn and play a Phase Shift (COTA 117) then play another copy of Phase Shift. How many non-Logos cards can I play this turn?
You can play two non-Logos cards this turn. Each copy of Phase Shift that you play allows you to play an additional non-Logos card.

Source: Rulebook
  • Phase Shift’s “Play:” ability creates a lasting effect that grants an allowance to play a non-Logos card. If the resolution of Wild Wormhole’s ability plays a non-Logos card, that will use the allowance granted by Phase Shift’s ability.

    Source: Rulebook
On my turn, I play Phase Shift (COTA 117) and then Wild Wormhole (COTA 125). Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” ability resolves and plays a non-Logos card from the top of my deck. Does that also mean Phase Shift’s “Play:” ability has resolved or can I still play a non- Logos card from my hand this turn?
Phase Shift’s “Play:” ability creates a lasting effect that grants an allowance to play a non-Logos card. If the resolution of Wild Wormhole’s ability plays a non-Logos card, that will use the allowance granted by Phase Shift’s ability.

Source: Rulebook
  • No. Phase Shift grants you permission to play 1 non-Logos card this turn. Playing Mimicry uses up this effect, as you would not have been able to play Mimicry without Phase Shift’s effect.

    Source: Rulebook
I choose Logos as my active house. I play Phase Shift (CoTA 117), then play a Mimicry (CoTA 328) as a copy of Foggify (CoTA 110). Can I still play another non-Logos card using Phase Shift’s effect?
No. Phase Shift grants you permission to play 1 non-Logos card this turn. Playing Mimicry uses up this effect, as you would not have been able to play Mimicry without Phase Shift’s effect.

Source: Rulebook