Poison Wave

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Poison Wave
Poison Wave • Shadows • Action • Common • Play: Deal 2Damage icon to each creature. • Artist: Gong Studios • Card Number: CotA:280, VM2024:217
Poison Wave
Play: Deal 2Damage icon to each creature.
“Totally Tubular!” – Quixo the “Adventurer”
CotA 280
VM2024 217
Artist: Gong Studios

Official Rulings

  • No. If the damage causes Duma the Martyr and your other creature to both be tagged for destruction, healing that creature afterwards will not prevent its destruction.

    Source: Rulebook
If Duma the Martyr (CoTA 242) and another of my creatures are both destroyed by a damage effect like Poison Wave (CoTA 280), can Duma the Martyr save my other creature from destruction?
No. If the damage causes Duma the Martyr and your other creature to both be tagged for destruction, healing that creature afterwards will not prevent its destruction.

Source: Rulebook


If an ability states an effect is applied to "each creature", the effect is resolved for both Friendly and Enemy creatures.

Source: Rulebook