
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki



It's a plainlink! Unfathomable.png



❑ Monitor VT results
❑ Monitor VW results (if possible)
❑ Monitor Worlds information
❑ Monitor Links & Resources; check for new content and double check for broken links
❑ Update Official Articles page
❑ Continue prioritizing mobile friendliness of site

To Do List β˜‘

❑ Vault Tour subpages
❑ Finish all top cards
❑ Templates
❑ Merge all top cards templates
❑ Deck Evaluation page (new)
❑ Is my deck good/special? (And how do I play it?)
❑ Are deck ratings accurate?
❑ Chainbounds/store level events (include images of prizes, etc.) (new)
❑ Other Products Page (new)
❑ Overview of RPG, story book
❑ Sets / Individual Set Pages
❑ Can I play all the sets against each other?
❑ Separate out the gameplay section with a dedicated "Combos" section (Can anyone give a summary of houses, powerful cards, combos, and the meta?)
❑ Lore
❑ Fictional stories on FFG pages
❑ Fictional stories in the rulebook
❑ RPG/Genesys
❑ Upcoming story book

Uncategorized Questions

What product should I buy (starter, individual decks, etc.)?
Where can I find local players?
Which set should I buy?
How do you handicap strong decks or players? Does it work?
How do I teach KF to new players?
Is FFG making KF online?
Can I replace cards that are missing/damaged? How do I find missing cards?

Weird Ideas

❑ Pages for designers
❑ Cube/drafting section
❑ Attending a VT/competitive event

Bar charts

Error 1140: In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'AA139.cargo__CardData._pageID'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__CardData`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_CardData`,COUNT(`cargo__CardData`.`Image`) AS `Image)` FROM `cargo__CardData` WHERE `cargo__CardData`.`Artist`='BalanceSheet' ORDER BY `cargo__CardData`.`Name` LIMIT 100

it's not 23

IGNORE By offsetting:

Marco Tamura: An example of artwork by Marco Tamura There are 1 cards for this artist.

Testing loops...

Vladimir Zyrianov

There are five cards for this artist.


There are five cards for this artist.

Natalie Russo

There are five cards for this artist.

Liiga Smilshkalne

There are five cards for this artist.

Alexandre Leoni

There are five cards for this artist.

Marco Tamura images

There are one cards for this artist.

Girma Moges images

There are five cards for this artist.

Helena Butenkova images

There are five cards for this artist.

Girma Moges images

There are two cards for this artist.

Marco Tamura

An example of artwork by Marco Tamura There are 1 cards for this artist.

Girma Moges

An example of artwork by Girma Moges An example of artwork by Girma Moges An example of artwork by Girma Moges An example of artwork by Girma Moges An example of artwork by Girma Moges There are 5 cards for this artist.

David Keen

An example of artwork by David Keen An example of artwork by David Keen There are 2 cards for this artist.

Helena Butenkova

An example of artwork by Helena Butenkova An example of artwork by Helena Butenkova An example of artwork by Helena Butenkova An example of artwork by Helena Butenkova An example of artwork by Helena Butenkova There are 5 cards for this artist.

Alexandre Leoni

An example of artwork by Alexandre Leoni An example of artwork by Alexandre Leoni An example of artwork by Alexandre Leoni An example of artwork by Alexandre Leoni An example of artwork by Alexandre Leoni There are 5 cards for this artist.


{{#vardefine:lore|{{#replace:{{Lore:Auto-Vac 5150}}|:''For the KeyForge card, see: [[{{Auto-Vac 5150}}]]''|}}|}}

{{#vardefine:lore|{{#replace:{{Lore:Rotgrub}}|:''For the KeyForge card, see: [[{{Rotgrub}}]]''|}}|}}{{#vardefine:lore|{{#replace:{{#var:lore}}|==References==|}}|}}

Mulligan things

If you are the first player, drawing 7 cards gives you the following probabilities for your hand shape:

First Player Hand Probabilities
  • 3-2-2 (34.44%)
  • 4-2-1 (28.18%)
  • 3-3-1 (20.87%)
  • 4-3-0 (7.83%)
  • 5-1-1 (4.10%)
  • 5-2-0 (3.76%)
  • 6-1-0 (.80%)
  • 7-0-0 (.03%)
House 1 House 2 House 3 Probability
3 2 2 34.44
4 2 1 28.18
3 3 1 20.87
4 3 0 7.83
5 1 1 4.10
5 2 0 3.76
6 1 0 .80
7 0 0 .03

After the mulligan (or if you're the second player) you have the following probabilities of hand shape:

First Player Mulligan Hand Probabilities
  • 3-2-1 (53.67%)
  • 2-2-2 (14.76%)
  • 4-1-1 (10.98%)
  • 4-2-0 (10.06%)
  • 3-3-0 (7.45%)
  • 5-1-0 (2.93%)
  • 6-0-0 (.14%)
House 1 House 2 House 3 Probability
3 2 1 53.67
2 2 2 14.76
4 1 1 10.98
4 2 0 10.06
3 3 0 7.45
5 1 0 2.93
6 0 0 .14

And if you're the second player taking a mulligan, you have the following:

Second Player Mulligan
Hand Probabilities
  • 2-2-1 (41.60%)
  • 3-1-1 (25.21%)
  • 3-2-0 (23.11%)
  • 4-1-0 (9.45%)
  • 5-0-0 (.63%)
House 1 House 2 House 3 Probability
2 2 1 41.60
3 1 1 25.21
3 2 0 23.11
4 1 0 9.45
5 0 0 .63

The question often comes up "How likely am I to redraw cards that I just put back into my deck after using a mulligan?". In the table below, you'll see the results of 10,000,000 6 card draws followed by 5 card draws of three deck makeups[1].

# redrawn All Unique 2 sets of 2 cards 1 set of 3 cards
0 37.81294 34.25509 33.09266
1 43.61144 43.80313 43.60717
2 16.14783 18.5513 19.40653
3 2.30691 3.1727 3.60981
4 0.1194 0.21365 0.27703
5 0.00148 0.00413 0.0068%


General Templates
Template:Flag - displays a flag from a specific country
Template:House - displays the house logo from a specific house
Template:Pie Chart - displays pie charts between 2 and 8 entries
Template:Quote - displays a block quote
Template:Rarity - displays a symbol for card rarity (currently: common, uncommon, rare, special)
Template:Title - displays a header in a colored background
Template:Enhance - displays an enhancement icon
Organized Play Templates
Template:All Time Houses - shows the top houses by set in VTs
Template:Top Houses and Sets - displays a graph of the houses within a set or a comparison across sets
Template:VT Houses - displays a graph breaking down the top houses/sets
Template:Top 16 - displays a list of top decks, with triad support
Template:Top House Combinations - displays a top 10 list of the top house combinations from an event
Template:VT Table - displays VT event results and upcoming Vault Tours
Template:GC Table - displays GC event results and upcoming Grand Championships
Template:VT TopCards by Rarity - displays a list of top cards from an event, organized by card rarity
This needs tidying up/merging
Currently on the Prime page: Template:VT Result Footer, Template:VT Result Row, Template:VT Result Header, Template:PC Result
This needs tidying up/merging (once I finish the Primes page there should only be one left)
Other Templates
Template:Article - displays a table containing FFG articles
Template:Power Level Houses - displays a chart for showing the share of power level 4+ decks from each house
Template:Organized_Play - put at the top of OP related pages
Template:Set - put at the top of individual set pages
Template:Vault Tour - put at the top of individual VT pages
Template:Organized Play Footer - put at the bottom of OP related pages
Template:Set Footer - put at the bottom of individual set pages
Template:Supplement Footer - put at the bottom of supplement pages
Template:Vault Tour Footer - put at the bottom of individual VT pages

Call of the Archons Cards

Most Common Cards in Top 16 Decks
During the Call of the Archons Meta
Card Set House Rarity Count
Anomaly Exploiter CotA     4
Deep Probe CotA     4
Drumble CotA     4
Fogbank CotA     4
Guardian Demon CotA     4
Honorable Claim CotA     4
Inka the Spider CotA     4
Jammer Pack CotA     4
Lifeweb CotA     4
Mack the Knife CotA     4
Mushroom Man CotA     4
Potion of Invulnerability CotA     4
Radiant Truth CotA     4
Red Planet Ray Gun CotA     4
Red-Hot Armor CotA     4
Restringuntus CotA     4
Round Table CotA     4
Skippy Timehog CotA     4
Sneklifter CotA     4
Teliga CotA     4
The Spirit’s Way CotA     4
The Sting CotA     4
Treasure Map CotA     4
Valdr CotA     4
Warsong CotA     4
Way of the Wolf CotA     4
Zorg CotA     4
Armageddon Cloak CotA     3
Blood Money CotA     3
Burn the Stockpile CotA     3
Cannon CotA     3
Collar of Subordination CotA     3
Commpod CotA     3
Deipno Spymaster CotA     3
Earthshaker CotA     3
Feeding Pit CotA     3
Follow the Leader CotA     3
Fuzzy Gruen CotA     3
Gatekeeper CotA     3
Grasping Vines CotA     3
Grey Monk CotA     3
Key Hammer CotA     3
Key to Dis CotA     3
Lady Maxena CotA     3
Library of the Damned CotA     3
Loot the Bodies CotA     3
Lord Golgotha CotA     3
Mothership Support CotA     3
Overlord Greking CotA     3
Phylyx the Disintegrator CotA     3
Psychic Bug CotA     3
Research Smoko CotA     3
Ring of Invisibility CotA     3
Smiling Ruth CotA     3
Vespilon Theorist CotA     3
Whispering Reliquary CotA     3
Annihilation Ritual CotA     2
Brain Eater CotA     2
Bulleteye CotA     2
Crystal Hive CotA     2
Dance of Doom CotA     2
Duma the Martyr CotA     2
EMP Blast CotA     2
Gabos Longarms CotA     2
Grenade Snib CotA     2
Hayyel the Merchant CotA     2
Hebe the Huge CotA     2
Horseman of Death CotA     2
Horseman of Famine CotA     2
Horseman of Pestilence CotA     2
Horseman of War CotA     2
Incubation Chamber CotA     2
Invasion Portal CotA     2
Longfused Mines CotA     2
Mass Abduction CotA     2
Masterplan CotA     2
Mighty Javelin CotA     2
Mighty Tiger CotA     2
Neutron Shark CotA     2
One Stood Against Many CotA     2
Ozmo, Martianologist CotA     2
Perilous Wild CotA     2
Pile of Skulls CotA     2
Piranha Monkeys CotA     2
Qyxxlyx Plague Master CotA     2
Random Access Archives CotA     2
Remote Access CotA     2
Ritual of the Hunt CotA     2
Sacrificial Altar CotA     2
Safe Place CotA     2
Screechbomb CotA     2
Shatter Storm CotA     2
Strange Gizmo CotA     2
The Common Cold CotA     2
The Harder They Come CotA     2
The Howling Pit CotA     2
Troop Call CotA     2
Truebaru CotA     2
Unguarded Camp CotA     2
Veylan Analyst CotA     2
Word of Returning CotA     2
Yo Mama Mastery CotA     2
  1. ↑ Note that these numbers are derived using the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm, which is the same algortihm used on The Crucible Online.
    In the "All Unique" model, every card in the deck is unique; there is no more than one copy of each card in the deck. In the "2 sets of 2 cards" model, there are duplicates of two cards in the deck (e.g. 2 copies of Bad Penny and 2 copies of Yxilo Bolter), and 1 copy of all other cards in the deck. In the "1 set of 3 cards" model, one card has 3 copies in the deck (e.g. 3 copies of Bad Penny) while all other cards in the deck have just 1 copy. Numbers courtesy of SkyJedi