Key Hammer

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Key Hammer
Key Hammer • Dis • Action • Uncommon • Play: If your opponent forged a key on their previous turn, unforge it. Your opponent gains 6Aember icon. • Artist: Caravan Studio • Card Number: CotA:066
Key Hammer
Play: If your opponent forged a key on their previous turn, unforge it. Your opponent gains 6Aember icon.
What time is it?
CotA 066

Official Rulings

  • No. Furtive Investor’s ability refers to the number of keys your opponent has forged currently.

    Source: Rulebook
In a previous turn, I played Key Hammer (COTA 066) to unforge my opponent’s first key, leaving them with zero keys currently forged. On my current turn, I play Furtive Investors (AOA 269). Do I get to gain an Æmber for the key they had forged but I unforged?
No. Furtive Investor’s ability refers to the number of keys your opponent has forged currently.

Source: Rulebook
  • Key Hammer only affects a single key. You will choose one of the two keys your opponent forged on their previous turn and unforge it.

    Source: Rulebook
My opponent forges two keys on their turn. On my next turn, I play Key Hammer (CoTA 66). What happens?
Key Hammer only affects a single key. You will choose one of the two keys your opponent forged on their previous turn and unforge it.

Source: Rulebook