Template:GC Table

From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki


This template displays either a Grand Championship results table or an upcoming Grand Championship table.

How to Use

Start each table with a header:

|Header=Upcoming GC

Close each table with a footer:


For dates, sets, and other text, use the following:

|Input=Text here (Write the text as a link if needed)
Any custom text will work, but there are pre-set colors for: Call of the Archons, Age of Ascension, Worlds Collide, Mass Mutation, 2020 World Championship

For each GC entry, use the following:

|Players=Number of players
|Winner=Winner (Note: this is mandatory; just write Unknown in the case where the winner is not known)
|Deck=Deck link, written in Mediawiki markup (optional if Image is defined)
|Deck Link=Deck link, written in HTML
|Image=Image file name

For triad entries, use the following for decks:

|Deck Link 1=
|Image 1=
|Deck Link 2=
|Image 2=
|Deck Link 3=
|Image 3=

For each upcoming GC entry, use the following:

|Date=Date (optional, will display 'TBD' if left empty)
|Location=Location (optional)
|Format=Format (optional, will display 'TBD' if left empty)
|Variant=Variant (optional, will display 'TBD' if left empty)
|Venue=Venue (optional)
|Comment=Comment (optional)
|Tickets=Link for tickets (optional)

[[File:|alt={{{Country}}} flag||frameless|link=]] {{{Country}}}