The Vault Tour is a series of premiere KeyForge Organized Play events held throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. Vault Tours are open to all players and all decks. Usually held over the course of a three day weekend, Vault Tours offer players the chance to play in official tournaments for the official formats, as well as side events and casual play.
Vault Tours were initially run under Fantasy Flight Games and third party partners from 2019-2020. After Ghost Galaxy's acquisition of the KeyForge IP, they brought the Vault Tour series back in 2023.
The initial Vault Tour season under Ghost Galaxy had cash prizes, but this was discontinued the following season, citing a lack of interest generated by the offerings. Cash prizing was replaced with promotional decks, playmats, and pins. Attendees also receive limited prizes and other items for attending.
In 2025, the confirmed locations (and dates if applicable) for Vault Tours include the following:
Rochester, NY (April 25-27)
Roseville, MN (May 16-18)
Portland, OR (June 20-22)
Baltimore, MD (July 11-13)
Las Vegas, NV (September 19-21)
More information on the 2025 Vault Tours (including tickets and lodging information) can be found on the official KeyForge website
The first Vault Tours were held in March 2019 in Eindhoven (NL) and Seattle (WA). Vault Tours in the US were initially run by Cascade Games, but from September 2019 are run by Yeti Gaming. In adaptive finals, the winner's deck was not always the deck that won most games in the final.
The winner of each Vault Tour was to be awarded free flight and accommodation for a later Vault Tour. Unlike the announced VaultWarrior series and current Vault Tours, no cash prizes were awarded at Vault Tours.
Æmbershards and power levels were awarded to all participating players and decks. Æmbershards from all Vault Tours count towards the Vault Tour Leaderboard.
Invites to the 2020 KeyForge World Championships event were to be awarded to the Top 100 players on the Vault Tour Leaderboard after the Sealed Solo event at Fort Worth, TX, USA on Feb. 6-9. 2020. If a player at any point entered the Top 100 by participating in a subsequent Vault Tour before Worlds 2020 (at the time, there were 4 scheduled Vault Tours between the Fort Worth event and the World Championships), they would also receive an invite. After the World 2020 Championships, the Vault Tour 2019-20 season would conclude and the leaderboard was to be reset.
Each Vault Tour also featured a Prize Wall where players could redeem Æmbershards for unique prizes. At the time, it was the only way to redeem Æmbershards gained by discovering decks in the Master Vault, as well as playing at Vault Tours and all other events within KeyForge Organized Play.
At the Collinsville VT in September, George Keagle became the first two-time Vault Tour winner, winning for the second time with the same deck. Jakub Nosal was the second player to achieve this, just a few weeks later at the Madrid VT. In November, Nova Westlake became the first player to win both an Archon and a Sealed Vault Tour (thus, winning with two different decks).
The final events of the 2019-20 season were to be held on the weekend of April 24-26 in Hannover, Germany and Alameda, California, USA.
The Vault Tour meta is always changing as new sets are released. For both the Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension periods, house Shadows was extremely dominant among Vault Tour top cuts, with Dis as the second most successful house. The card Urchin was the most common card among decks that reached top 16 or higher at a Vault Tour until the release of Worlds Collide. After the release of the third set, however, house Saurian replaced Shadows as the most successful house among Vault Tour top cuts.