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{{RuleData |RulesText=This is where the text of the Outstanding issue goes. Separate Questions from Answers with // |RulesType=For this page this should always be Outstanding Issues |RulesDate=This is the date the question was sent to FFG in the format YYYY-MM-DD |RulesSource=For this page, use ArcanaAdvises. |RulesPages=Put any pages you want to force to show this ruling here |RulesOption1=If options are needed in the template, they can go here. }}
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Text | My battleline consists of four cards: Bad Penny, Gub, Lollop the Titanic, and King of the Crag. Bad Penny has 1 power, Gub is not on a flank and so has 6 power, Lollop has 11 power,and King of the Crag has 7 for a total of 25 power. If I choose Brobnar and play Might Makes Right to sacrifice all four creatures, the Destroyed: ability on Bad Penny will send it to hand, leaving Gub on a flank meaning he has a power of 1. Does Might Make Right still result in forging a key at no cost?//Yes. When you initially selected the creatures the total power was 25 or greater when they were tagged for destruction. Even though Bad Penny ends up in your hand, it still counts as successfully sacrificed and you will forge a key at no cost. |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2019-09-17 |
Source | ArcanaAdvises |
Pages | •Might Makes Right• |
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Text | If I play Exhume and target half a Gigantic creature in the discard pile for which I have the other half in my hand, does the Gigantic creature get played or does the effect of Exhume fail?//A card that will allow you to play a single creature from your hand such as Helper Bot, or Subject Kirby will successfully play a Gigantic creature if both halves of the Gigantic creature are within your hand. However, Exhume's ability is targeting a single card in the discard pile and would therefore fail. |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2020-11-30 |
Source | ArcanaAdvises |
Pages | •Gigantic•Exhume•Deusillus•Niffle Kong•Ultra Gravitron• |
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Text | In my battleline, I have Gebuk. My opponent had a Harbinger of Doom in their battleline, and played Skullion, choosing to sacrifice Harbinger of Doom.
Harbinger of Doom's Destroyed: ability resolves and tags all creatures for destruction. This causes Gebuk to be destroyed, and its Destroyed: ability resolves, playing Teliga. The question is: Is Teliga played at a point where its ability can resolve? It would seem there are two possible interpretations:
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2021-01-03 |
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Text | If the Active Player plays Hunter or Hunted? and there are no creatures that are currently warded, does the resolution of the Play: ability mean they have to ward a creature? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2021-02-09 |
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Text | On a previous turn, I played Pour-tal, raised the tide and put it into my discard pile. On a subsequent turn, I call Logos and play Think Twice, choosing Pour-tal. Because the tide is already high, Pour-tal goes into my archives. The question is, does the purge from Think Twice's ability still resolve and purge Pour-tal out of my archives? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2021-05-16 |
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Text | In my opponent’s battleline, they have 5 creatures total; 3 creatures in the middle with Com. Officer Hings and Com. Officer Gross on the flanks. In my battleline, I have Replicator. If I reap with Replicator and resolve Com Officer Hings’ Reap: ability, do I draw 3 cards, or does Replicator’s ability do nothing because Com. Officer Gross is not in my battleline? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2021-06-02 |
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Text | Can I raise the Tide point at any point during my turn? If so, can I raise it at the start of my turn as a “start of turn effect”? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2021-06-02 |
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Text | In my battleline, I have Lord Invidius in play, and it’s been upgraded with Walls’ Blaster.
On my turn, I reap with Lord Invidius, giving me two Reap: abilities to resolve: Deal 2 damage to a creature from the Blaster, and take control of an opponent’s creature from Lord Invidius. I choose to resolve Lord Invidius first, and take control of a 2 power creature from my opponent. This moves Lord Invidius out of the center of the battleline (causing it to lose its gained Reap: ability). I deal 2 damage to the 2 power creature next to Lord Invidius, destroying it and shifting Lord Invidius back to the center of the battleline, where it gains the Reap: ability again. When the Reap: ability comes back, is it the SAME Reap: ability that was already resolved, or is it a new instance of the Reap: ability, meaning I could resolve it to take control of another creature from my opponent? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2021-06-02 |
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Text | My opponent has Strange Gizmo in play, I have The Sting in play. When my opponent forges a key, does The Sting's ability work like a replacement effect here and resolve before Strange Gizmo's ability? If not, are both abilities available to resolve in the "After a player forges a key" window, meaning the Active Player would decide the order? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2022-07-13 |
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Text | Should abilities that instruct you to ""Shuffle X into your deck" (such as on Not Finished with You) be interpreted as "Add X to your deck and shuffle it." or "If X>0, add X to your deck and shuffle it."? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2022-10-26 |
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Text | If I play Grisly Exchange, do I get to put the cards in any order? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2024-03-26 |
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Text | How should order be "maintained" when swapping cards in discard and deck for cards like Future is Past? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2024-03-26 |
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Text | My opponent has multiple creatures in their battleline with more than 3 power as well as Reassembling Automaton. If I play Plague Wind, it causes an infinite loop where Reassembling Automaton is repeatedly destroyed. How should this be resolved?//In this case, the active player resolves the loop as many times as they wish, and then they adjust the game state by removing Reassembling Automaton from play. After adjusting the game state, play can resume as normal. |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2024-03-28 |
Source | ArcanaAdvises |
Pages | •Infinite Loops•Reassembling Automaton•Plague Wind• |
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Text | If I play Animating Force and attach it to my opponent's Hologrammophone, is Hologrammophone now a 4-power creature with "Versatile" and "Action: Ward a creature." in its text box or is it simply a 4-power creature with "Versatile" in its text box? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2024-04-11 |
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Pages | •Animating Force• |
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Text | I have Chronophage in my battleline. My opponent plays Curse of Cowardice into my artifact area. Does Curse of Cowardice gain Omega and cause my opponent's current step to end? What about if I play Curse of Cowardice into my opponent's artifact area? |
Type | OutstandingIssues |
Date | 2024-04-12 |
Source | |
Pages | •Chronophage• |
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