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KeyForge News

July 2023

  • July 20: Winds of Exchange release dates confirmed for August 5h (North America) and September 15 (International), with the Pre-Release events held a week prior.
  • July 9: First Vault Tour organized by Ghost Galaxy held in Philadelphia.

June 2023

  • June 5: Winds of Exchange and Unchained decks are now scannable in the Master Vault!

May 2023

  • May 31: Deck ownership, alliance deck builder, digital Æmber, friends, and event keys are introduced to the Master Vault.
  • May 21: Ghost Galaxy's Gen Con schedule is revealed, including the US National Championships.
  • May 18: Tickets for the first three US Vault Tours are now on sale. New dates for the Roseville VT: 18-20 August.
  • May 9: Shipping for the Gamefound fulfillment has begun!
  • May 5: Ghost Galaxy announced dates for 3 US Vault tour stops: July 7-9 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 14-16 in Roseville, Minnesota, and September 15-17 in Dallas, Texas

April 2023

See Also: News Archive
Deck Registrations
Crucible Cast

Upcoming Events

If you have something you'd like to see added or you'd like to work as a contributor, feel free to send an email. The current work in progress list is here.

All Keyforge card artwork and text is copyright 2018-19 Fantasy Flight Games. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with Fantasy Flight Games.