Prime Championships
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Prime Championships, akin to Regional Championships, were competitive tier events hosted yearly. These events were run under Fantasy Flight Games from 2019 – 2020.
The winner of each Prime Championship received an invitation to the following World Championship, and additional prizes were awarded to top performing players at each event.
Decks that reached top 8 at each event advanced to power level 2, and both the winning deck and the runner-up advanced to power level 4.
The following Æmbershards were distributed to players based on performance, as long as there were at least 16 players present:
Round | Æmbershards | Power Level |
Participation | 10 | |
Per win in Swiss | 5 | |
Top 8 | 20 | 2 |
Top 4 | 30 | |
Finalist | 4 | |
Winner | 75 |
2019-2020 Prime Championships
Prime Championships for the season beginning in 2019 are between November 2, 2019 - March 28, 2020.
Acceptable formats for the first season of Prime Championships are Archon Solo, Archon Adaptive, Sealed Solo, and Sealed Triad.
For the first year, there are a total of 88 United States prime championships and 50 located in other countries, including Austria, Canada, China, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. A full list of dates and locations can be found on this page. For some countries outside the United States, this list may be incomplete.
The following prizes are awarded to top ranking players:
- Top 16: Blue acrylic stun tokens, small cardboard deck box with images of anomalies in Worlds Collide
- Top 8: The Grim Reaper playmat
- Top 4: A large deck box featuring images of Nizak, The Forgotten and The Red Baron
- Top 2: Small set of exclusive Prime Championship metal keys
- Winner: Nizak, The Forgotten playmat; an invitation to Worlds in the shape of a Dominator Bauble
A full description of prizes can be found on A Chance of Cataclysms.
2020-2021 Prime Championships
One of the prizes for the second season of Prime Championships will be card sleeves featuring artwork from the card Diametric Charge in Mass Mutation. This was announced on Episode 14 of the Crucible Cast.
Further reading
- A Chance of Cataclysms, 7 August 2019
- 2019 KeyForge Prime Championships, 4 October 2019
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