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{{RuleData |RulesText=This is where the text of the FAQ goes. Separate Questions from Answers with // |RulesType=For this page this should always be FFGRuling |RulesDate=(Leave blank) |RulesSource=Wikitext for the source. This may be string of files/screenshots, link to a Crucible Cast, etc. For Images, the format should be [[File:Autolegion-Remote1.png|left|400px|frameless]] |RulesPages=Put any pages you want to force to show this ruling here |RulesOption1=If options are needed in the template, they can go here. }}
Text | Can I target a Warded or Enraged creature with the relevant effect and have it do nothing, similar to Stun?//Yes. Like Stun, both Ward and Enrage can target creatures that already have a token on them, the action will have no additional effect. |
Type | FFGRuling |
Date | |
Source | Ward-enrage clarification.jpg |
Pages | •Enrage•Ward• |
Option1 |
Text | If by some weird disparity in deck strength, the chain bid auction in Adaptive goes above 24 chains, what happens? Do I continue with the established pattern where every 6 chains is a one card handicap, or is 24 chains a hard limit?//A deck can never have more than 24 chains. |
Type | FFGRuling |
Date | |
Source | FFG Live |
Pages | •Chains• |
Option1 |
Text | In my battleline, I have Reckless Rizzo in play. If I use the Action: ability and then upgrade Reckless Rizzo with Opportunist, is Reckless Rizzo's Elusive keyword activated again? If Reckless Rizzo had been upgraded with the Opportunist prior to using the Action ability, would the outcome be different?//After Reckless Rizzo uses their Action: ability, they have a lasting effect that causes them to lose elusive. New instances of the elusive keyword (in this case, from Opportunist) will be lost as soon as they are gained. |
Type | FFGRuling |
Date | 12-16-2020 |
Source | File:FFG_Rulings_16_December_2020.pdf |
Pages | •Reckless Rizzo• |
Option1 |
Text | In my battleline I have no creatures. My opponent has First Officer Frane in their battleline. If I play Favor of Rex and target First Officer Frane, can I capture an Æmber from my opponent and put it on First Officer Frane? Does Favor of Rex's "as if you had played it" effect make First Officer Frane friendly for the purpose of resolving the effect (like it does with "as if you controlled it" in Nexus and Shard of Greed) or must I capture to a creature in my battleline?//Favor of Rex’s “as if” text does make your opponent’s First Officer Frane a friendly creature for the purposes of card effects (Similar to the Nexus/Shard of Greed ruling), however you do not gain control of that creature or move it to your battleline. Captured æmber must go onto a creature you control, so it cannot go on First Officer Frane. |
Type | |
Date | 12-16-2020 |
Source | File:FFG_Rulings_16_December_2020.pdf |
Pages | •First Officer Frane•Favor of Rex• |
Option1 |
Text | If multiple friendly creatures are destroyed simultaneously, does Spartasaur’s ability resolve multiple times?//The intention is that Spartasaur's ability will only trigger once per time creatures are destroyed, not once for each creature destroyed. As long as all the creatures are destroyed simultaneously, Spartasaur's ability will still only trigger once. So yes, I think "After one or more friendly creatures are destroyed, destroy each non-Dinosaur creature.” is a helpful way to interpret the ability. |
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Date | 04-19-2021 |
Source | Spartasaur_Ruling_19_April_2021.png |
Pages | •Spartasaur• |
Option1 |
Text | On my turn, if the Tide is high, can I still resolve the Omni: ability granted by the rules for the Tide to gain 3 chains?//Yes, a player can still use the Tide's Omni: ability even when the tide is already high for them, which will have no affect on the tide, but will give them chains. So yes, that means that players can use this to chain themselves repeatedly in the rare instances where they might want to do that. |
Type | FFGRuling |
Date | 2021-12-06 |
Source | TideAbilityMultipleUses.png |
Pages | •Tide• |
Option1 |