Looter Goblin
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Looter Goblin • Brobnar • Creature • Rare • Elusive. (The first time this creature is attacked each turn, no damage is dealt.)After Reap: For the remainder of the turn, gain 1
after an enemy creature is destroyed. • Artist: Rodrigo Camilo • Card Number: CotA:041, WoE:015, GR:012, ÆS:011
Official Rulings
The rules for damage state that “If a creature has as much or more damage on it as it has power, the creature is destroyed and placed on top of its owner’s discard pile.” When a creature has 0 power, if it has 0 damage on it, it is destroyed.Source: Rulebook
I play King of the Crag (CoTA 038) while my opponent has Looter Goblin (CoTA 041) in play. What happens?
The rules for damage state that “If a creature has as much or more damage on it as it has power, the creature is destroyed and placed on top of its owner’s discard pile.” When a creature has 0 power, if it has 0 damage on it, it is destroyed.
Source: Rulebook