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  • The Kelifi Dragon is returned to the top of the deck. Kelifi Dragon has a play requirement of needing to have 7 Æmber in your Æmber pool, and since you didn’t have any initially (you now have 1 from playing the Wild Wormhole) you don’t have enough to be able to play the Kelifi Dragon. Since you can’t play the card it is returned to the place you tried to play it from, in this case the top of the deck.

    Source: Rulebook
I have 0 Æmber in my Æmber pool and have chosen house Logos to be my active house this turn. I play Wild Wormhole (CoTA 125) and try and play the top card of my deck is Kelifi Dragon (CoTA 037). What happens?
The Kelifi Dragon is returned to the top of the deck. Kelifi Dragon has a play requirement of needing to have 7 Æmber in your Æmber pool, and since you didn’t have any initially (you now have 1 from playing the Wild Wormhole) you don’t have enough to be able to play the Kelifi Dragon. Since you can’t play the card it is returned to the place you tried to play it from, in this case the top of the deck.

Source: Rulebook
  • No, Omega will not prevent Jargogle’s “Destroyed:” ability from resolving. Omega creates a lasting effect that ends the step once all pending abilities and effects have been resolved, so Jargogle’s “Destroyed:” ability will resolve, playing Wild Wormhole. Similarly, Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” ability will also resolve. If a creature is played by the resolution of Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” ability, that creature will not have been tagged for destruction by the resolution of Unlocked Gateway, and will remain in play while the other creatures (that were tagged for destruction) complete their destruction.

    Source: Rulebook
I have a Jargogle (AoA 131) with a Wild Wormhole (CoTA 125) under it, and I play Unlocked Gateway (AoA 67). Will Omega prevent me from playing Wild Wormhole when resolving Jargogle’s “Destroyed:” ability? If Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” ability plays a creature from my deck, does that creature get destroyed by Unlocked Gateway?? If Wild Wormhole causes a creature to be played from my deck, does that creature survive the Unlocked Gateway?
No, Omega will not prevent Jargogle’s “Destroyed:” ability from resolving. Omega creates a lasting effect that ends the step once all pending abilities and effects have been resolved, so Jargogle’s “Destroyed:” ability will resolve, playing Wild Wormhole. Similarly, Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” ability will also resolve. If a creature is played by the resolution of Wild Wormhole’s “Play:” ability, that creature will not have been tagged for destruction by the resolution of Unlocked Gateway, and will remain in play while the other creatures (that were tagged for destruction) complete their destruction.

Source: Rulebook
  • When you play a Wild Wormhole after playing a Library Access the following happens in this order:
    1. You gain 1 Æmber from Wild Wormhole’s Æmber bonus.
    2. Library Access’s effect and Wild Wormhole’s play effect are simultaneous, so you may resolve them in either order.
    3. You gain Æmber from any Æmber bonus on the card played from the top of your deck.
    4. If there are any play effects on the card played from the top of your deck, they are simultaneous with Library Access’s effect. You may resolve them in either order.

      Source: Rulebook
I have chosen house Logos to be my active house this turn and start off by playing Library Access (CoTA 115), I then play Wild Wormhole (CoTA 125). In what order do I resolve this combination of effects?
When you play a Wild Wormhole after playing a Library Access the following happens in this order:
  1. You gain 1 Æmber from Wild Wormhole’s Æmber bonus.
  2. Library Access’s effect and Wild Wormhole’s play effect are simultaneous, so you may resolve them in either order.
  3. You gain Æmber from any Æmber bonus on the card played from the top of your deck.
  4. If there are any play effects on the card played from the top of your deck, they are simultaneous with Library Access’s effect. You may resolve them in either order.

Source: Rulebook
  • No. Resolving Unlocked Gateway’s “Play:” ability tags all creatures in play for destruction, the creature under Jargogle was not in play at the time, so it will not be tagged for destruction.

    Source: Rulebook
In my battleline I have Jargogle (AOA 131) with a creature underneath. I play Unlocked Gateway (AOA 067) and resolve Jargogle’s “Destroyed:” ability to play the creature. Does the creature get destroyed by Unlocked Gateway as well?
No. Resolving Unlocked Gateway’s “Play:” ability tags all creatures in play for destruction, the creature under Jargogle was not in play at the time, so it will not be tagged for destruction.

Source: Rulebook
  • Yes, Wild Wormhole’s effect can be resolved.

    Source: Rulebook
Its the first turn of the game and I am going first. I choose house Logos to be the active house and play the card Wild Wormhole (CoTA 125). Can Wild Wormhole’s effect be resolved even though the First Turn Rule is in effect?
Yes, Wild Wormhole’s effect can be resolved.

Source: Rulebook

Rulebook, Rulebook

  • Bumpsy will be readied by the effect of Anger, but since there are no enemy creatures in play it cannot be used to fight so it remains ready.
I have an exhausted Bumpsy (CoTA 030) in play and my opponent has no creatures in their battleline. I play the card Anger (CoTA 001) and choose to resolve it on Bumpsy. What happens?
Bumpsy will be readied by the effect of Anger, but since there are no enemy creatures in play it cannot be used to fight so it remains ready.

Templating, from RuleAttach

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Templating, from carddata

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commentary expansion:

Template in cargo Can you fight/reap with the Flerp to move the Commentary from one copy of the Flerp to another? Can you fight/reap to attach an opponent's Commentary to a friendly Flerp?

Crucible Cast 17 has clarified how Commentary's self-referential text works. The self-referential text rule applies to the constant ability of Commentary, but NOT to the creature's ability. So you can fight/reap a Flerp to move its attached Commentary to another copy of Flerp, but you cannot attach a different Commentary than the one on the creature you are using. }} (RulesType: Commentary, RulesOption1: saluktest) <img src=""> <img src=452-210.png> 452-210.png