Kelifi Dragon
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Kelifi Dragon • Brobnar • Creature • Rare • Kelifi Dragon cannot be played unless you have 7or more.
After Fight/After Reap: Gain 1
. Deal 5
to a creature. • Artist: Caio Monteiro • Card Number: CotA:037, ÆS:009
Official Rulings
The Kelifi Dragon is returned to the top of the deck. Kelifi Dragon has a play requirement of needing to have 7 Æmber in your Æmber pool, and since you didn’t have any initially (you now have 1 from playing the Wild Wormhole) you don’t have enough to be able to play the Kelifi Dragon. Since you can’t play the card it is returned to the place you tried to play it from, in this case the top of the deck.Source: Rulebook
I have 0 Æmber in my Æmber pool and have chosen house Logos to be my active house this turn. I play Wild Wormhole (CoTA 125) and try and play the top card of my deck is Kelifi Dragon (CoTA 037). What happens?
The Kelifi Dragon is returned to the top of the deck. Kelifi Dragon has a play requirement of needing to have 7 Æmber in your Æmber pool, and since you didn’t have any initially (you now have 1 from playing the Wild Wormhole) you don’t have enough to be able to play the Kelifi Dragon. Since you can’t play the card it is returned to the place you tried to play it from, in this case the top of the deck.
Source: Rulebook
Yes. Kelifi Dragon is not being played when it is returned by Spangler Box’s ability, it is being put into play, which bypasses normal play restrictions. Kelifi Dragon will return to play no matter how much Æmber is in your pool.Source: Rulebook
In my play area, I control a Spangler Box (CoTA 132) that has purged my own Kelifi Dragon (CoTA 037). Spangler Box is returned to its owner’s hand with Grasping Vines (CoTA 324), but I don’t have any Æmber in my pool. Does my Kelifi Dragon return to my battleline?
Yes. Kelifi Dragon is not being played when it is returned by Spangler Box’s ability, it is being put into play, which bypasses normal play restrictions. Kelifi Dragon will return to play no matter how much Æmber is in your pool.
Source: Rulebook