Mad Prophet Gizelhart

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Mad Prophet Gizelhart
Mad Prophet Gizelhart • Sanctum • Creature • Rare • While Mad Prophet Gizelhart is in the center of your battleline, it gains, “Action: Fully heal each non-Mutant creature. Gain 1Aember icon for each creature healed this way.” • Artist: Cindy Avelino • Card Number: MM:167, DT:082, VM2024:127, MoMu:143
Mad Prophet Gizelhart
While Mad Prophet Gizelhart is in the center of your battleline, it gains, “Action: Fully heal each non-Mutant creature. Gain 1Aember icon for each creature healed this way.”
MM 167
DT 082
VM2024 127
MoMu 143


There is only a center of a battleline if there is an odd number of creatures in that battleline. When there is an even number of creatures in a battleline, there is no center. If there is only one creature in the battleline, that creature is in the center.

Related Cards

Mad Prophet Gizelhart is featured in the flavor text of the following cards: