Store-Level Events

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Store-Level Events
Nov 2018 - Present
ChainBounds: Archon Solo, Sealed Solo
Weekly Sealed: all official Sealed variants
No set restrictions

KeyForge Organized Play supports a wide number of store-level events designed to be hosted by local game stores. They give players a chance to participate in friendly competition in a relaxed atmosphere. Store-level events often award physical prizes in addition to Æmbershard bonuses and power levels.

The most common type of store-level event is ChainBounds.

ChainBound tournaments

Season One prize kit

ChainBound events are weekly tournaments where players can earn power levels and chains for their decks. Currently, ChainBounds only support two KeyForge formats, Archon Solo and Sealed Solo. Stores are limited to hosting one ChainBound event per week.

Each ChainBound tournament is run as a three or four round Swiss-style tournament. Each player also receives one Æmbershard for participation and one Æmbershard for each win. Occasionally, Fantasy Flight Games gives Æmbershard bonuses for ChainBounds held during the first week of the release of a new set. Both the release of Age of Ascension and Worlds Collide rewarded players with additional Æmbershards for their participation in ChainBound events.

4-8 players
(3 rounds)
9+ players
(4 rounds)
Power levels
1 or 0 wins = subtract 1 Chain
1 or 0 wins = subtract 1 Chain
1-6 Chains = Power Level 1
2 wins = add 2 Chains
2 wins = no change
7-12 Chains = Power Level 2
3 wins = add 3 Chains
3 wins = add 3 Chains
13-18 Chains = Power Level 3
  4 wins = add 4 Chains 19-24 Chains = Power Level 4

Chains can be gained or lost after each tournament, but Power levels are never lost. Only decks with Power level 3 or lower can enter Chainbound events. This is currently the only type of KeyForge event with a Power level restriction.

Store Leaderboards

Alternate art for the card Hock

Launched in November 2019, monthly Store Leaderboards track Æmbershards earned by players in weekly Chainbound and Sealed events. A store can run one of each of these events every week. At the end of the month, the Top 4 players receive an alternate art card deck. Wins for both Chainbound Events and Weekly Sealed events are tracked in the Master Vault.

Further reading

Time of Triumph, 14 January 2019
Power Up!, 22 January 2019
The Future of Organized Play, 30 January 2019
For Mars!, 29 March 2019
Reaping the Rewards, 16 May 2019
Leader of the Pack, 20 September 2019
The Master of Chains, 17 October 2019