Grasping Vines

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Grasping Vines
Grasping Vines • Untamed • Action • Uncommon • Play: Return up to 3 artifacts to their owners’ hands. • Artist: Adam Vehige • Card Number: CotA:324, AoA:341, WC:374
Grasping Vines
Play: Return up to 3 artifacts to their owners’ hands.
CotA 324
AoA 341
WC 374
Artist: Adam Vehige

Official Rulings

  • Yes. Kelifi Dragon is not being played when it is returned by Spangler Box’s ability, it is being put into play, which bypasses normal play restrictions. Kelifi Dragon will return to play no matter how much Æmber is in your pool.

    Source: Rulebook
In my play area, I control a Spangler Box (CoTA 132) that has purged my own Kelifi Dragon (CoTA 037). Spangler Box is returned to its owner’s hand with Grasping Vines (CoTA 324), but I don’t have any Æmber in my pool. Does my Kelifi Dragon return to my battleline?
Yes. Kelifi Dragon is not being played when it is returned by Spangler Box’s ability, it is being put into play, which bypasses normal play restrictions. Kelifi Dragon will return to play no matter how much Æmber is in your pool.

Source: Rulebook
  • Yes. Masterplan’s effect allows you to play the card beneath it before sacrificing Masterplan. Masterplan is still in play at the time you play Grasping Vines, and therefore can be returned to your hand using Grasping Vines’s effect.

    Source: Rulebook
I have Grasping Vines under Masterplan. If I use Masterplan’s “Omni” effect to play Grasping Vines, can I return Masterplan to my hand before it is sacrificed?
Yes. Masterplan’s effect allows you to play the card beneath it before sacrificing Masterplan. Masterplan is still in play at the time you play Grasping Vines, and therefore can be returned to your hand using Grasping Vines’s effect.

Source: Rulebook