
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
Sinestra • Dis • Creature • Rare • After your opponent plays a creature on their left flank, they lose 1Aember icon. • Artist: Alexey Iavtushenco • Card Number: WC:116, MM:047, VM2023:069, VM2024:112
After your opponent plays a creature on their left flank, they lose 1Aember icon.
“I’ll drain you until there’s nothing left.”
WC 116
MM 047
VM2023 069
VM2024 112

Official Rulings

  • Yes. The first creature they play will count as both on their left flank and their right flank, so both Dexus and Sinestra’s abilities will trigger.

    Source: Rulebook
If I have Sinestra (MM 047) and Dexus (MM 054) both out and my opponent has no creatures out, do they lose 2 æmber the first time they play a creature?
Yes. The first creature they play will count as both on their left flank and their right flank, so both Dexus and Sinestra’s abilities will trigger.

Source: Rulebook

Related Cards

A variant of Sinestra (both can appear in a deck together) is: