Lupo the Scarred

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Lupo the Scarred
Lupo the Scarred • Untamed • Creature • Rare • Skirmish. (When you use this creature to fight, it is dealt no damage in return.)  

Play: Deal 2Damage icon to an enemy creature. • Artist: Quentin de Warren • Card Number: CotA:359, AoA:358, DT:386, VM2023:337, VM2024:342

Lupo the Scarred
Skirmish. (When you use this creature to fight, it is dealt no damage in return.)

Play: Deal 2Damage icon to an enemy creature.

“Nothing that big should be able to move that silently.” – Lost Lukas Lawrence
CotA 359
AoA 358
DT 386
VM2023 337
VM2024 342