Infernal Terran

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Infernal Terran
Infernal Terran • Dis • Creature • Rare • Play/After Reap: Discard a card. Steal 1Aember icon. 

Scrap: Discard your hand. Steal Aember icon equal to the number of Aember icon bonus icons on the cards discarded this way. • Artist: Shady Khoury • Card Number: ÆS:048, ToC:006

Infernal Terran
Play/After Reap: Discard a card. Steal 1Aember icon.

Scrap: Discard your hand. Steal Aember icon equal to the number of Aember icon bonus icons on the cards discarded this way.

ÆS 048
ToC 006
Artist: Shady Khoury