Indigo Halyard

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Indigo Halyard
Indigo Halyard • Skyborn • Creature • Common • While your blue key is forged, Indigo Halyard gains, “After Reap: Ready and fight with another friendly creature.” 

While your opponent’s blue key is forged, each of Indigo Halyard’s neighbors gains taunt. • Artist: Albert Fernández • Card Number: ÆS:293, ToC:262

Indigo Halyard
While your blue key is forged, Indigo Halyard gains, “After Reap: Ready and fight with another friendly creature.”

While your opponent’s blue key is forged, each of Indigo Halyard’s neighbors gains taunt.

ÆS 293
ToC 262

Related Cards

Indigo Halyard is featured in the flavor text of the following cards: