Rocket Boots

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Rocket Boots
Rocket Boots • Logos • Upgrade • Uncommon • This creature gains, “After Fight/After Reap: If this is the first time this creature has been used this turn, ready it.” • Artist: Nasrul Hakim • Card Number: CotA:158, AoA:136, VM2023:143, ToC:114
Rocket Boots
This creature gains, “After Fight/After Reap: If this is the first time this creature has been used this turn, ready it.”
CotA 158
AoA 136
VM2023 143
ToC 114
Artist: Nasrul Hakim


The additional Reap: ability granted by Rocket Boots is resolved along with any other Reap: abilities of the creature, in the order of the active player's choosing.

Source: Reap