CardData:Challe the Safeguard

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Name Challe the Safeguard
Image 600-212.png
Artist David Auden Nash
Text Deploy. (This creature can enter play anywhere in your battleline.)

Taunt. (This creature’s neighbors cannot be attacked unless they have taunt.)

Keywords Deploy
Assault 0
Hazardous 0
EnhanceAmber 0
EnhanceCapture 0
EnhanceDamage 0
EnhanceDraw 0
Power 4
Armor 2
Æmber 0
Type Creature
House Sanctum
Traits Knight • Human
Rarity Common
SearchText Deploy. (This creature can enter play anywhere in your battleline.)

Taunt. (This creature’s neighbors cannot be attacked unless they have taunt.)

Set Name Age of Ascension
Card Number 216
Meta Debut
Set Name Winds of Exchange
Card Number 212